So can Window95 users use Polar home?

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So can Window95 users use Polar home?

Postby sunrunnr_vax » Wed Apr 20, 2005 5:07 am

Prolly a total noob kwiz, but why is windows not listed as an OS on the service/shell page?
I know, windows sucks, and all that (actually, microsoft sux, windows is pretty ok, seeing ass how i don't paid any money for it ;))
but are windows users banned from polar home? On the one hand, it makes sense, 99 percent of the surfing pop. uses it, so it's an effective way of limiting bandwidth ....
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Postby miker_alpha » Wed Apr 20, 2005 8:16 am

There are (AFAIK) no Polarhome servers Windows OS. This does not mean you cannot connect to Polarhome from a Wintel client; all it means is that Zoli (Polarhome's 'onlie begetter') prefers real operating systems.

Windows: A bug with a GUI...

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Postby sjaz » Wed Apr 20, 2005 9:13 am

Yes, you can use the polarhome servers.
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Postby sunrunnr_vax » Thu Apr 21, 2005 5:15 am

1. The n how do i make an account when there is no icon for a windows OS on the account making page?

2. You know I tried Linux too, and I hate Microsoft with a vengeance. But when one uses linux and it takes 30 seconds to resize a window, to move it or to open or close program, then one shoud seriously doubt wheter or not Linux, and all these fancy (geek) OSses arent given me too little bang for my 'buck':

Maybe win95 is buggy, but it has the smallest footprint of all the 32-bits Gui OSses out there. You don't have to know a lot about anything, and if you really want to, you can tweak it anywhich way but Sunday.

So I'll be happy to go into this discussion on Window s with you. Remember, its microsoft we hate, not windows. At least, I do.

Gonna sleep.
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Postby Matej » Thu Apr 21, 2005 6:23 am

Do you actualy know what polarhome is and why you want an account here?
You just choose the polarhome server that you want. It's realy not that inportant which one you choose if you are going to use just FTP access.

We all use (or have) used Windows and we know which are the good and bad sides of it.
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Postby afonic » Thu Apr 21, 2005 11:47 am

2. You know I tried Linux too, and I hate Microsoft with a vengeance. But when one uses linux and it takes 30 seconds to resize a window, to move it or to open or close program, then one shoud seriously doubt wheter or not Linux, and all these fancy (geek) OSses arent given me too little bang for my 'buck':



Nice one ^^^
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Postby miker_alpha » Thu Apr 21, 2005 8:19 pm

I get the impression the OP is just slightly confused. :roll:
Sunrunr: (did I spell that right)
The servers on the Polarhome site are NOT wintel machines. You however at your desk, can sit at a billybox, create files, load them (using FTP) to your account on the server you have chosen (see instructions on how to build a web site, for example [see note]) and then you and your friends can view those files using Internet exploder, firefox or the browser of your choice.

What did you think you wanted to do?


1. Learn how to use FTP on your box!
2. Learn some basic HTML
3. Read the instructions: e.g. files to be served to the internet should generally be in a public_html subdirectory under your home directory.
4. DO NOT ask for help before you have made a genuine effort to find an answer to your problem on your own!
Search engines are your friends. Look for stuff like "FTP tutorial", "building a web site" etc.
5. RTFM!
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Postby zoli » Fri Apr 22, 2005 12:33 am


4 years ago I wrote:
...years ago I had a dream to create a free, non-commercial and open association, that could provide educative and practical resources to Microsoft infected Internet generation. I want to give my users a chance, to try and learn some other, shell enabled systems, that could operate more stable on higher security level then other OS'es. Users would have a possibility to feel and compare the differences, to be able to make better professional decisions in future, improving the Internet quality in general.

I still have this opinion... and polarhome has not missed its purpose of existence, so far.

Enyoj your VAX accunt and send us updates from time to time about your progress.

Please note - OpenVMS is a very complex OS - the most complex from all polarhome OSes - but in the same time all modern OSes including Windows uses ideas from or exatly the same kernel, process and memory management model.

Unfortunately, it is not as intuitive as Windows. It requires hard work and certain amount of intelligence in order to progress.

You have been warned... :)
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Postby panther_freebsd » Wed Jun 28, 2006 3:09 am

Microsoft should change their name to shit soft.
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Postby sjaz » Wed Jun 28, 2006 10:03 am

Whilst thats probably true, was there any need to bring a thread which was over a year old back to life?
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