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FTPSSL(3)	      User Contributed Perl Documentation	     FTPSSL(3)

       Net::FTPSSL - A FTP over SSL/TLS class

	 use Net::FTPSSL;

	 my $ftps = Net::FTPSSL->new('',
				     Port => 21,
				     Encryption => EXP_CRYPT,
				     Debug => 1)
	   or die "Can't open";

	 $ftps->login('anonymous', 'user@localhost')
	   or die "Can't login: ", $ftps->last_message();

	 $ftps->cwd("/pub") or die "Can't change directory: " . $ftps->last_message();

	 $ftps->get("file") or die "Can't get file: " . $ftps->last_message();


       Had you included Croak => 1 as an option to new, you could have left
       off the or die checks and your die messages would be more specific to
       the actual problem encountered!

       "Net::FTPSSL" is a class implementing a simple FTP client over a Secure
       Sockets Layer (SSL) or Transport Layer Security (TLS) connection
       written in Perl as described in RFC959 and RFC2228.  It will use TLS by

       new( HOST [, OPTIONS ] )
	   Creates a new Net::FTPSSL object and opens a connection with the
	   "HOST". "HOST" is the address of the FTP server and it's a required
	   argument. OPTIONS are passed in a hash like fashion, using key and
	   value pairs.

	   If it can't create a new Net::FTPSSL object, it will return undef
	   unless you set the Croak option.  In either case you will find the
	   cause of the failure in $Net::FTPSSL::ERRSTR.

	   "OPTIONS" are:

	   Encryption - The connection can be implicitly (IMP_CRYPT)
	   encrypted, explicitly (EXP_CRYPT) encrypted, or regular FTP
	   (CLR_CRYPT).	 In explicit cases the connection begins clear and
	   became encrypted after an "AUTH" command is sent, while implicit
	   starts off encrypted.  For CLR_CRYPT, the connection never becomes
	   encrypted.  Default value is EXP_CRYPT.

	   Port - The port number to connect to on the remote FTPS server.
	   The default port is 21 for EXP_CRYPT and CLR_CRYPT.	But for
	   IMP_CRYPT the default port is 990.  You only need to provide a port
	   if you need to override the default value.

	   DataProtLevel - The level of security on the data channel.  The
	   default is DATA_PROT_PRIVATE, where the data is also encrypted.
	   DATA_PROT_CLEAR is for data sent as clear text.  DATA_PROT_SAFE and
	   DATA_PROT_CONFIDENTIAL are not currently supported.	If CLR_CRYPT
	   was selected, the data channel is always DATA_PROT_CLEAR and can't
	   be overridden.

	   useSSL - Use this option to connect to the server using SSL instead
	   of TLS.  TLS is the default encryption type and the more secure of
	   the two protocols.  Set useSSL => 1 to use SSL.

	   Timeout - Set a connection timeout value. Default value is 120.

	   PreserveTimestamp - During all puts and gets, attempt to preserve
	   the file's timestamp.  By default it will not preserve the

	   Buffer - This is the block size that Net::FTPSSL will use when a
	   transfer is made. Default value is 10240.

	   Trace - Turns on/off put/get download tracing to STDERR.  Default
	   is off.

	   Debug - This turns the debug tracing option on/off. Default is off.

	   DebugLogFile - Redirects the output of Debug from STDERR to the
	   requested error log file name.  This option is ignored unless Debug
	   is also turned on.  Enforced this way for backwards compatability.
	   If Debug is set to 2, the log file will be opened in append mode
	   instead of creating a new log file.	This file is closed when quit
	   is called and Debug messages go back to STDERR again afterwards.

	   Croak - Force most methods to call croak() on failure instead of
	   returning FALSE.  The default is to return FALSE or undef on
	   failure.  When it croaks, it will attempt to close the FTPS
	   connection as well, preserving the last message before it attempts
	   to close the connection.  Allowing the server to know the client is
	   going away.	This will cause $Net::FTPSSL::ERRSTR to be set as

	   SSL_Advanced - Expects a reference to a hash.  This feature is
	   totally unsupported.	 It is only provided so you can attempt to use
	   the more obscure options when start_SSL() is called.	 If an option
	   here conflicts with other options we would normally use, entries in
	   this hash take precedence.  See IO::Socket::SSL for these options.

       Most of the methods return true or false, true when the operation was a
       success and false when failed. Methods like list or nlst return an
       empty array when they fail.  This behavior can be modified by the Croak

       login( USER, PASSWORD )
	   Use the given information to log into the FTPS server.

	   This method breaks the connection to the FTPS server.  It will also
	   close the file pointed to by option DebugLogFile.

       list( [DIRECTORY [, PATTERN]] )
	   This method returns a list of files in a format simalar to this:
	   (Server Specific)

	    drwxrwx--- 1 owner group	      512 May 31 11:16 .
	    drwxrwx--- 1 owner group	      512 May 31 11:16 ..
	    drwxrwx--- 1 owner group	      512 Oct 27  2004 foo
	    drwxrwx--- 1 owner group	      512 Oct 27  2004 pub
	    drwxrwx--- 1 owner group	      512 Mar 29 12:09 bar

	   If DIRECTORY is omitted, the method will return the list of the
	   current directory.

	   If PATTERN is provided, it would limit the result similar to the
	   unix ls command or the Windows dir command.	The only wild cards
	   supported are * and ?.  (Match 0 or more chars.  Or any one char.)
	   So a pattern of f*, ?Oo or FOO would find just foo from the list
	   above.  Files with spaces in their name can cause strange results
	   when searching for a pattern.

       nlst( [DIRECTORY [, PATTERN]] )
	   Same as "list" but returns the list in this format:


	   Spaces in the filename do not cause problems with the PATTERN with
	   "nlst".  Personally, I suggest using nlst instead of list.

	   Sets the file transfer mode to ASCII.  CR LF transformations will
	   be done.

	   Sets the file transfer mode to binary. No transformation will be

       get( REMOTE_FILE, [LOCAL_FILE] )
	   Retrieves the REMOTE_FILE from the ftp server. LOCAL_FILE may be a
	   filename or a filehandle.  Return undef if it fails.

	   If the option PreserveTimestamp was used, and the FTPS server
	   supports it, it will attempt to reset the timestamp on LOCAL_FILE
	   to the timestamp on REMOTE_FILE.

       put( LOCAL_FILE, [REMOTE_FILE] )
	   Stores the LOCAL_FILE onto the remote ftp server. LOCAL_FILE may be
	   a filehandle, but in this case REMOTE_FILE is required.  Return
	   undef if it fails.

	   If the option PreserveTimestamp was used, and the FTPS server
	   supports it, it will attempt to reset the timestamp on REMOTE_FILE
	   to the timestamp on LOCAL_FILE.

       uput( LOCAL_FILE, [REMOTE_FILE] )
	   Stores the LOCAL_FILE onto the remote ftp server. LOCAL_FILE may be
	   a filehandle, but in this case REMOTE_FILE is required.  If
	   REMOTE_FILE already exists on the ftps server, a unique name is
	   calculated for use instead.

	   If the file transfer succeeds, this function will return the actual
	   name used on the remote ftps server.	 If it can't figure that out,
	   it will return what was used for REMOTE_FILE.  On failure this
	   method will return undef.

	   If the option PreserveTimestamp was used, and the FTPS server
	   supports it, it will attempt to reset the timestamp on the remote
	   file using the file name being returned by this function to the
	   timestamp on LOCAL_FILE.  So if the wrong name is being returned,
	   the wrong file will get it's timestamp updated.

	   Use when the directory you are dropping REMOTE_FILE into is
	   monitored by a file recognizer that might pick the file up before
	   the file transfer has completed.  So the file is transferred using
	   a temporary name using a naming convention that the file recognizer
	   will ignore and is guaranteed to be unique.	Once the file transfer
	   successfully completes, it will be renamed to REMOTE_FILE for
	   immediate pickup by the file recognizer.  If you requested to
	   preserve the file's timestamp, this step is done after the file is
	   renamed and so can't be 100% guaranteed if the file recognizer
	   picks it up first. Since if it was done before the rename, other
	   more serious problems could crop up if the resulting timestamp was
	   old enough.

	   On failure this function will attempt to delete the scratch file
	   for you if its at all possible.  You will have to talk to your FTP
	   server administrator on good values for PREFIX and POSTFIX if the
	   defaults are no good for you.

	   PREFIX defaults to _tmp. unless you override it.  Set to "" if you
	   need to suppress the PREFIX.	 This PREFIX can be a path to another
	   directory if needed, but that directory must already exist!	Set to
	   undef to keep this default and you need to change the default for

	   POSTFIX defaults to .tmp unless you override it.  Set to "" if you
	   need to suppress the POSTFIX.  Set to undef to keep this default
	   and you need to change the default for BODY.

	   BODY defaults to client-name.PID so that you are guaranteed the
	   temp file will have an unique name on the remote server.  It is
	   strongly recommended that you don't override this value.

	   So the temp scratch file would be called something like this by
	   default: _tmp.testclient.51243.tmp.

	   As a final note, if REMOTE_FILE has path information in it's name,
	   the temp scratch file will have the same directory added to it
	   unless you override the PREFIX with a different directory to drop
	   the scratch file into.  This avoids forcing you to change into the
	   requested directory first when you have multiple files to send out
	   into multiple directories.

	   The inverse of xput, where the file recognizer is on the client
	   side.  The only other difference being what BODY defaults to.  It
	   defaults to reverse(testclient).PID.	 So your default scratch file
	   would be something like: _tmp.tneilctset.51243.tmp.

	   Just be aware that in this case LOCAL_FILE can no longer be a file

       delete( REMOTE_FILE )
	   Deletes the indicated REMOTE_FILE.

       cwd( DIR )
	   Attempts to change directory to the directory given in DIR on the
	   remote server.

	   Returns the full pathname of the current directory on the remote

	   Changes directory to the parent of the current directory on the
	   remote server.

       mkdir( DIR )
	   Creates the indicated directory DIR on the remote server. No
	   recursion at the moment.

       rmdir( DIR )
	   Removes the empty indicated directory DIR on the remote server. No
	   recursion at the moment.

	   It specifies no action other than the server send an OK reply.

       rename( OLD, NEW )
	   Allows you to rename the file on the remote server.

       ccc( [ DataProtLevel ] )
	   Sends the clear command channel request to the FTPS server.	If you
	   provide the DataProtLevel, it will change it from the current data
	   protection level to this one before it sends the CCC command.
	   After the CCC command, the data channel protection level can not be
	   changed again and will always remain at this setting.  Once you
	   execute the CCC request, you will have to create a new Net::FTPSSL
	   object to secure the command channel again.	Due to security
	   concerns it is recommended that you do not use this method.

	   If the version of IO::Socket::SSL you have installed is too old,
	   this function will not work since stop_SSL won't be defined (like
	   in v1.08).  So it is recommended that you be on at least version
	   1.18 or later if you plan on using this function.

       site( ARGS )
	   Send a SITE command to the remote server and wait for a response.

       mfmt( time_str, remote_file ) or _mfmt( timestamp, remote_file )
	   Both are boolean functions that attempt to reset the remote file's
	   timestamp on the FTPS server and returns true on success.  The 1st
	   version can call croak on failure if Croak is turned on, while the
	   2nd version will not do this.  The other difference between these
	   two functions is the format of the file's timestamp to use.

	   time_str expects the timestamp to be GMT time in format
	   YYYYMMDDHHMMSS.  While timestamp expects to be in the same format
	   as returned by localtime().

       mdtm( remote_file )  or	_mdtm( remote_file )
	   The 1st version returns the file's timestamp as a string in
	   YYYYMMDDHHMMSS format using GMT time, it will return undef or call
	   croak on failure.

	   The 2nd version returns the file's timestamp in the same format as
	   returned by localtime() and will never call croak.

       size( remote_file )
	   This function will return undef or croak on failure.	 Otherwise it
	   will return the file's size in bytes, which may also be zero bytes!
	   Just be aware for text files that the size returned may not match
	   the file's actual size when the file is downloaded to your system
	   in ASCII mode.  This is an OS specific issue.  It will always match
	   if you are using BINARY mode.

       supported( CMD [,SITE_OPT] )
	   Returns TRUE if the remote server supports the given command.  CMD
	   must match exactly.	If the CMD is SITE and SITE_OPT is supplied,
	   it will also check if the specified SITE_OPT sub-command is
	   supported.  Not all servers will support the use of SITE_OPT.  This
	   function ignores the Croak request.

       quot( CMD [,ARGS] )
	   Send a command, that Net::FTPSSL does not directly support, to the
	   remote server and wait for a response.  You are responsible for
	   parsing anything you need from message() yourself.

	   Returns the most significant digit of the response code.  So it
	   will ignore the Croak request.

	   WARNING This call should only be used on commands that do not
	   require data connections.  Misuse of this method can hang the
	   connection if the internal list of FTP commands using a data
	   channel is incomplete.

       last_message() or message()
	   Use either one to collect the last response from the FTPS server.
	   This is the same response printed to STDERR when Debug is turned
	   on.	It may also contain any fatal error message encountered.

	   If you couldn't create a Net::FTPSSL object, you should get your
	   error message from $Net::FTPSSL::ERRSTR instead.  Be careful since
	   $Net::FTPSSL::ERRSTR is shared between instances of Net::FTPSSL,
	   while message & last_message are not shared between instances!

	   Returns the one digit status code associated with the last response
	   from the FTPS server.

       set_croak( [1/0] )
	   Used to turn the Croak option on/off after the Net::FTPSSL object
	   has been created.  It returns the previous Croak settings before
	   the change is made.	If you don't provide an argument, all it does
	   is return the current setting.  Provided in case the Croak option
	   proves to be too restrictive in some cases.

       set_callback( [cb_func_ref, end_cb_func_ref [, cb_data_ref]] )
	   This function allows the user to define a callback function to use
	   whenever a data channel to the server is open.  If either
	   cb_func_ref or end_cb_func_ref is undefined, it disables the
	   callback functionality, since both are required for call backs to
	   function properly.

	   The cb_func_ref is a reference to a function to handle processing
	   the data channel data.  This is a void function that can be called
	   multiple times.  It is called each time a chunk of data is read
	   from or written to the data channel.

	   The end_cb_func_ref is a reference to a function to handle closing
	   the callback for this data channel connection.  This function is
	   allowed to return a string of additional data to process before the
	   data channel is closed.  It is called only once per command after
	   processing all the data channel data.

	   The cb_data_ref is an optional reference to an array or hash that
	   the caller can use to store values between calls to the callback
	   function and the end callback function.  If you don't need such a
	   work area, it's safe to not provide one.  The Net::FTPSSL class
	   doesn't look at this reference.

	   The callback function must take the following 5 arguments:

	      B<callback> (ftps_func_name, data_ref, data_len_ref, total_len, cb_data_ref);

	   The ftps_func_name will tell what Net::FTPSSL function requested
	   the callback so that your callback function can determine what the
	   data is for and do conditional logic accordingly.  We don't provide
	   a reference to the Net::FTPSSL object itself since the class is not
	   recursive.  Each Net::FTPSSL object should have it's own cb_dat_ref
	   to work with.  But methods within the class can share one.

	   Since we pass the data going through the data channel as a
	   reference, you are allowed to modify the data.  But if you do, be
	   sure to update data_len_ref to the new data length as well.
	   Otherwise you will get buggy responses.

	   Finally, the total_len is how many bytes have already been
	   processed.  It does not include the data passed for the current
	   callback call.  So it will always be zero the first time it's

	   Once we finish processing data for the data channel, a different
	   callback function will be called to tell you that the data channel
	   is closing.	This is your last chance to affect what is going over
	   the data channel and to do any needed post processing.  The end
	   callback function must take the following arguments:

	      $end = B<end_callback> (ftps_func_name, total_len, cb_data_ref);

	   These arguments have the same meaning as for the callback function,
	   except that this function allows you to optionally provide
	   additional data to/from the data channel.  If reading from the data
	   channel, it will treat the return value as the last data returned
	   before it was closed.  Otherwise it will be written to the data
	   channel before it is closed.	 Please return undef if there is
	   nothing extra for the Net::FTPSSL command to process.

	   You should also take care to clean up the contents of cb_data_ref
	   in the end_callback function.  Otherwise the next callback sequence
	   that uses this work area may behave strangely.

	   As a final note, should the data channel be empty, it is likely
	   that just the end_callback function is called without any calls to
	   the callback function.

       Marco Dalla Stella - <kral at paranoici dot org>

       Curtis Leach - <cleach at cpan dot org> - As of v0.05





       RFC 959 - <ftp://ftp.rfc->

       RFC 2228 -

       RFC 4217 -

       Graham Barr <gbarr at pobox dot com> - for have written such a great
       collection of modules (libnet).

       Please report any bugs with a FTPS log file created via options
       Debug=>1 and DebugLogFile=>"file.txt" along with your sample code at

       Patches are appreciated when a log file and sample code are also

       Copyright (c) 2005 Marco Dalla Stella. All rights reserved.

       Copyright (c) 2009, 2010 Curtis Leach. All rights reserved.

       This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
       under the same terms as Perl itself.

perl v5.14.1			  2010-04-27			     FTPSSL(3)

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