chcluster Command


Changes the cluster configuration.


chcluster { [ -S +sitename { [cle_uuid=<UUID>,cle_globid=<id>,cle_name=<new_name>,cle_prio=<prio> ] } ] [ -m [+|-] node { [cle_ip=<addr>,cle_uuid=<UUID>,cle_globid=<id> ] } [,....] ] [ -r +remote_reposdisk ][ -d [+|-] shareddisk [,....]] [-s +multi_cast_addr] } [ -n cluster_name ] [ -v ]


The chcluster command changes the cluster configuration.

The chcluster command adds and removes the storage area network (SAN) shared disks and nodes to or from the cluster configuration, or extends the existing cluster to span multiple sites. When you create another site, specify only one remote node, along with the remote site name, remote repository disk name, and the remote site multicast address (optional). Additional remote nodes can be added after the remote site is created.


Item Description
-d [+|-] shareddisk [,....] Specifies a comma-separated list of shared storage device names to be added to or removed from the cluster configuration. The shared disks must not be open when the chcluster command is run.
-m [+|-]node[,...] Specifies a comma-separated list of node names to be added to or removed from the cluster configuration.
The following node information can be specified only when a node is added to the cluster:
Specifies the node UUID that is used if the note is unique across the cluster. If the node UUID is not specified, it is automatically generated.
Specifies the short ID of the node that must be a unique unsigned number. The value must be greater than zero. If the short ID is not specified, it is automatically generated.
The following node attributes can be specified with any arguments:

Specifies the gateway address of the node (in case the cluster spans across multiple sites). Typically, this attributes is the address through which the node can be reached from an external node. This attributes can be specified in either an IPv4 or IPv6 format.

If a new node is added to the cluster by specifying the + sign and additional values, the node is added to the cluster with the specified values.

If an existing node is specified with the + sign and additional attributes, the new attributes are added to the node.

If an existing node is specified with the - sign and additional attributes, the specified attributes are deleted from the node.

-n name Specifies the name of the cluster that needs to be changed. If omitted, the default cluster is used.
-v Specifies verbose mode.
-r +remote_reposdisk Specifies the name of the remote disk that is used as the repository of the remote site, as seen on the first remote node.
-s +multi_cast_addr Specifies the multicast address that is used for the remote site. If omitted, a default multicast address is generated.
-S +sitename Specifies the name of the remote site. Currently, a cluster supports only two sites.
The following site information can be specified only during site creation:
Specifies the site UUID that is used if the node is unique across the cluster. If the site UUID is not specified, it is automatically generated.
The short ID of the site that must be a unique unsigned number. The value must be greater than zero. If short ID is not specified, it is automatically generated.
The following site attribute can be specified during site creation:
Specifies the priority of a site. A lower value indicates a higher priority. The priority is mainly used in the context of synchronizing the repository metadata. If two sites split and the repository data becomes out-of-sync, the data from the site with higher priority is copied over to the site with lower priority.
If a site already exists, the following attributes can be changed:
Specifies the new name of the site.
Specifies the new priority of the site.
The other values cannot be changed.


  1. To add shared disks to the cluster configuration:
    chcluster -n mycluster -d +hdisk20,+hdisk21
  2. To remove shared disks from the cluster configuration:
     chcluster -n mycluster -d -hdisk20,-hdisk21
  3. To add nodes to the cluster configuration:
    chcluster -n mycluster -m +nodeD,+nodeE
  4. To remove nodes from the cluster configuration:
    chcluster -n mycluster -m -nodeD,-nodeE
  5. To add a site to the cluster configuration:
    chcluster -n mycluster -S +remotesite -m +nodeZ -r +hdisk5
    where hdisk5 is the name of the disk as seen by nodeZ node.
  6. To change the name of an existing site:
    chcluster -n mycluster -S remotesite{cle_name=myremotesite}