folder Command


Selects and lists folders and messages.


folder [ + Folder ] [ Message ] [ -all ] [ -nopack | -pack ] [ -nofast | -fast ] [ -norecurse | -recurse ] [ -print | -noprint ] [ -header | -noheader ] [ -nototal | -total ] [ -push | -pop ] [ -list | -nolist ]


The folder command sets the current folder and the current message for that folder, and lists information about your folders. By default, the folder command lists the current folder name, the number of messages, the range of the message numbers, and the current message.

The folder specified by the +Folder flag becomes the current folder. The message specified by the Message parameter becomes the current message for the folder. Use the -pack flag to renumber the messages in a folder.


Item Description
-all Displays a line of information about each folder in your mail directory.
-fast Displays only the names of the folders.
+Folder Specifies the folder information to display.
-header Displays column headings for the folder information.
-help Lists the command syntax, available switches (toggles), and version information.
Note: For Message Handler (MH), the name of this flag must be fully spelled out.
-list Displays the current folder followed by the contents of the folder stack.
Message Sets the specified message as the current message. Unless you specify the +Folder flag, the command sets the specified message for the current folder. Use the following references to specify a message:
Number of the message.
cur or . (period)
Current message. This is the default.
First message in a folder.
Last message in a folder.
Message following the current message.
The new message that is created.
Message preceding the current message.
-nofast Displays information about each folder. This flag is the default.
-noheader Suppresses column headings for the folder information. This flag is the default.
-nolist Suppresses the display of the folder-stack contents. This flag is the default.
-nopack Prevents renumbering of the messages in the folder. This flag is the default.
-noprint Prevents display of folder information. If the -push, -pop, or -list flag is specified, the -noprint flag is the default.
-norecurse Displays information about the top-level folders in your current folder only. Information about subfolders is not displayed. This flag is the default.
-nototal Prevents display of the total of all messages and folders in your mail directory structure. When the -all flag is specified, the default is the -total flag; otherwise, the -nototal flag is the default.
-pack Renumbers the messages in the specified folder. Renumbering eliminates gaps in the message numbering after messages have been deleted.
-pop Removes the folder from the top of the folder stack and makes it the current folder. The +Folder flag cannot be specified with the -pop flag.
-print Displays information about the folders. If the -push, -pop, or -list flag is specified, the -noprint flag is the default; otherwise, the -print flag is the default.
-push Moves the current folder to the top of the folder stack and sets the specified folder as the current folder. If no folder is specified, the -push flag swaps the current folder for the folder on top of the folder stack.
-recurse Displays information about all folders and subfolders in your current folder.
-total Displays all messages and folders in your mail directory structure. The -total flag does not display information for subfolders unless you specify the -recurse flag. The -total flag is the default if the -all flag is specified.

Profile Entries

The following entries are entered in the UserMhDirectory/.mh_profile file:

Item Description
Current-Folder: Sets the default current folder.
Folder-Protect: Sets the protection level for the new folder directories.
Folder-Stack: Specifies the folder stack.
lsproc: Specifies the program used to list the contents of a folder.
Path: Specifies the user's MH directory.


Attention RBAC users and Trusted AIX users: This command can perform privileged operations. Only privileged users can run privileged operations. For more information about authorizations and privileges, see Privileged Command Database in AIX® Version 7.1 Security. For a list of privileges and the authorizations associated with this command, see the lssecattr command or the getcmdattr subcommand.


  1. To display information about the current folder, enter:
    The system responds with a message similar to the following:
    inbox+  has  80  messages  (1-82);  cur  =  7;  (others).
    In this example, the current folder is inbox.The folder contains 80 messages, ranging from message 1 to message 82. The current message number is 7.
  2. To display information about all folders, enter:

    folder   -all

    The system responds with a message similar to the following:
    Folder    #  of  messages  (range);  cur  msg    (other  files)
    inbox+  has  80  messages  (1-82);  cur=  7;  (others).
    test    has    5  messages  (1-5);    cur=  5;  (others).
            Total=  85  messages  in  2  folders
    In this example, there are 2 folders containing a total of 85 messages. The current folder is inbox, indicated by the + (plus sign) that follows it.
  3. To make the test folder the current folder and display information about test, enter:

    folder   +test

    The system responds with a message similar to the following:
    test+  has  5  messages  (1-5);  cur  =  5;  (others)
  4. To make message 2 the current message in the current folder, enter:
    folder  2
    The system responds with a message similar to the following:
    test+  has  5  messages  (1-5);  cur  =  2;  (others)
  5. To create a folder called group and make it the current folder, enter:

    folder   +group

    The system responds with a message similar to the following:
    Create  folder  "/home/dawn/Mail/group"?  _
    The system responds with a message similar to the following:
    group+  has  no  messages.
  6. To renumber the messages in the current folder, enter:

    folder   -pack

    The system responds with a message similar to the following:
    inbox+  has  80  messages  (1-80);  cur=  7;  (others).
    In this example, the messages are renumbered to eliminate gaps in the message numbering after messages have been deleted.


Item Description
$HOME/.mh_profile Contains the MH user profile.
/usr/bin/folder Contains the folder command.