gencopy Command


Allows software products of various packaging formats (installp, RPM, ISMP) to be copied.


To Copy Software from Media to Target Location

gencopy -d Media [ -t TargetLocation ] [ -D ] [ -b bffcreateFlags ] [ -U ] [ -X ] -f File | CopyList... | all

To List Software Products and Packages on Media

gencopy -L -d Media [ -D ]


The gencopy command is the wrapper to the bffcreate command. It determines what images must be copied and calls the appropriate command. For RPM, ISMP, or other types of images where the list of required files is unknown, all the files in the subdirectory are copied to the target location.


Item Description
-b bffcreateFlags Specifies the following flags that are valid: l, q, v, w, and S.
-d Media Specifies the device or directory where the install images exist. Media can be a device (/dev/cd0, /dev/rmt0) or directory.
-D Specifies debug mode. This flag is for debugging this script. It produces a large quantity of output and should not be used for normal operations.
-f File Specifies a file that contains a list of images to copy to the target location. The installp, RPM, and ISMP images should be prefixed with I:, R:, and J:, respectively. Prefix the interim fix packages with an E:.
-L Lists the install packages on the media. This listing is colon separated and contains the following information:


bos.sysmgt:bos.sysmgt:bos.sysmgt.nim.client: Install Manager - Client Tools

bos.sysmgt:bos.sysmgt:bos.sysmgt.smit: Management Interface Tool (SMIT)

-t TargetLocation Specifies the directory where the installation image files are stored. If the -t flag is not specified, the files are saved in the /usr/sys/inst.images directory.
-U Upgrades the directory structure of the destination repository to the current standard, if necessary. The current standard requires images to be organized into subdirectories according to package type and architecture. For example, installp images reside in the SaveDir/installp/ppc directory. When copying from a source containing this structure, the destination is required to conform. Specifying the -U flag permits the gencopy command to create the appropriate subdirectory structure in your repository and move any existing images into the appropriate locations. Unless invalid manual copying is performed thereafter, this flag should only need to be used once.
-X Extends the file system automatically if space is needed.


Attention RBAC users and Trusted AIX users: This command can perform privileged operations. Only privileged users can run privileged operations. For more information about authorizations and privileges, see Privileged Command Database in AIX® Version 7.1 Security. For a list of privileges and the authorizations associated with this command, see the lssecattr command or the getcmdattr subcommand.


To copy all of the image from a CD (/dev/cd0) to an LPP_SOURCE (/export/lpp_source/500) use, type:

gencopy -d  /dev/cd0 -t  /export/lpp_source/500 all


Item Description