lslpp Command


Lists installed software products.


lslpp [-R { path | ALL } ] { -d | -E | -f | -h | -i | -l | -L | -p } [ -a] [ -c] [ -J ] [ -q ] [ -I ] [ -O { [ r ] [ s ] [ u ] } ] [ FilesetName ... | -b File | all ]

lslpp [-R { path | ALL } ] -w [ -c ] [ -q ] [ -O { [ r ] [ s ] [ u ] } ] [ FileName ... | all ]

lslpp [-R { path | ALL } ] -L -c [ -v]

lslpp [-R { path | ALL } ] -S [A|O]

lslpp [-R { path | ALL } ] -e


The lslpp command displays information about installed filesets or fileset updates. The FilesetName parameter is the name of a software product. The File parameter specifies a bundle file to use as a fileset list.

When only the -l (lowercase L) flag is entered, the lslpp command displays the latest installed level of the fileset specified for formatted filesets. The base level fileset is displayed for formatted filesets. When the -a flag is entered along with the -l flag, the lslpp command displays information about all installed filesets for the FilesetName specified. The -I (uppercase i) flag combined with the -l (lowercase L) flag specifies that the output from the lslpp command should be limited to base level filesets.

The lslpp command and the compare_report command both show information about interim fixes installed on the system. The lslpp -L or lslpp -Lc command and the lslpp -e command must be run by root. Any interim fix information returned is used by the compare_report command. The information includes an interim fix label and a level value. The interim fix label is the equivalent of a fileset name, and its level is based on the time (YY.MM.DD.HHMMSS, where YY is the year, MM is the month, DD is the day, HH is the hour, MM is the minute, and SS is the second) in which the interim fix was packaged. If a non-root user runs these commands, only software products and levels are returned, and interim fix information is not included. If a root user runs the lslpp -e command and the lslpp -L command, interim fix information can be shown.

The -d, -f, -h, -i, -l (lowercase L), -L, and -p flags request different types of output reports.

The -a, -c, -J, and -q flags specify the amount and format of the information that is displayed in the report.

The -O flag specifies that data is to come from a specified part of the fileset. The part may be the root part, -Or, the share part, -Os, or the usr part, -Ou.

The default value for the FilesetName parameter is all, which displays information about all installed software products. Pattern matching characters, such as * (asterisk) and ? (question mark), are valid in the FilesetName parameter. You don't have to enclose these characters in '' (single quotation marks). However, using single quotation marks prevents you from searching the contents of your present directory.

Output Values

Much of the output from the lslpp command is understandable without an explanation. Other fields contain data that needs to be defined. The following sections define terms used in several of the output fields.

State Values

The state field in the lslpp output gives the state of the fileset on your system. It can have the following values:

State Definition
APPLIED The specified fileset is installed on the system. The APPLIED state means that the fileset can be rejected with the installp command and the previous level of the fileset restored. This state is only valid for Version 4 fileset updates and 3.2 migrated filesets.
APPLYING An attempt was made to apply the specified fileset, but it did not complete successfully, and cleanup was not performed.
BROKEN The specified fileset or fileset update is broken and should be reinstalled before being used.
COMMITTED The specified fileset is installed on the system. The COMMITTED state means that a commitment has been made to this level of the software. A committed fileset update cannot be rejected, but a committed fileset base level and its updates (regardless of state) can be removed or deinstalled by the installp command.
EFIXLOCKED The specified fileset is installed on the system and is locked by the interim fix manager (the emgr command).
OBSOLETE The specified fileset was installed with an earlier version of the operating system but has been replaced by a repackaged (renamed) newer version. Some of the files that belonged to this fileset have been replaced by versions from the repackaged fileset.
COMMITTING An attempt was made to commit the specified fileset, but it did not complete successfully, and cleanup was not performed.
REJECTING An attempt was made to reject the specified fileset, but it did not complete successfully, and cleanup was not performed.

Action Values

The action field in the lslpp output identifies the installation action that was taken for the fileset. The following values may be found in this field:

Action Definition
APPLY An attempt was made to apply the specified fileset.
CLEANUP An attempt was made to perform cleanup for the specified fileset.
COMMIT An attempt was made to commit the specified fileset.
REJECT An attempt was made to reject the specified fileset.

Status Values

The status field in the lslpp output identifies the resultant status in the history of installation actions. The following values may be found in this field:

Status Definition
BROKEN The fileset was left in a broken state after the specified action.
CANCELED The specified action was canceled before it completed.
COMPLETE The commitment of the fileset has completed successfully.


Item Description
-a Displays all the information about filesets specified when combined with other flags. This flag shows all updates when combined with the -l flag and all history when combined with the -h flag. This flag cannot be specified with the -f flag.
-b File Specifies a bundle file to search for fileset names. The filesets listed in the bundle are then listed as if they had been specified explicitly as FilesetName parameters. To mimic installp behavior, the installp image names are automatically wildcarded. For example, a bundle file entry of will behave as if* was specified as a FilesetName parameter.
Note: This might also return results for bos.abcdef.
If the file does not reside in one of the known bundle locations, the full path and file name, including extension, must be specified.
-c Displays information as a list separated by colons. This flag cannot be specified with the -J flag.
-d Displays filesets that are dependents of the specified software. A dependent fileset is one that has the specified software as a prerequisite, corequisite, ifrequisite, or installed requisite.
-e Displays every interim fix installed on the system.
-E Lists license agreements.
-f Displays the names of the files added to the system during installation of the specified fileset. This flag cannot be specified with the -a flag.
-h Displays the installation and update history information for the specified fileset. You cannot use this flag with the -J flag.
-I (uppercase i) Limits the inputs to software products.
-i Displays the product information for the specified fileset.
-J Generates output in a form suitable for the System Management Interface Tool (SMIT) command to list output. This flag can only be specified with the -l (lowercase L) and -L flags.
-l (lowercase L) Displays the name, most recent level, state, and description of the specified fileset.
-L Displays the name, most recent level, state, and a description of the specified fileset. The build date, which is specified by the year and the week in the form of yyww (for example, 0852), is also displayed for a fileset, if it has one. Part information (usr, root, and share) is consolidated into the same listing. For formatted filesets, it displays the most recent maintenance or technology level for the specified filesets. In addition, this flag lists any subsystem selective fixes that were installed on top of the maintenance or technology level. RPM and ISMP images are also listed.
-O Lists information for the specified part of the fileset. When the -O flag is not specified information is listed for all parts. This option is designed for use by the nim command to list software product information for diskless or dataless workstations. You can use the following flags with this flag:
Indicates to list information for the root part.
Indicates to list information for the /usr/share part.
Indicates to list information for the /usr part.
-p Displays requisite information for the specified fileset.
-q Suppresses the display of column headings.
-R { path | ALL } Indicates a user-specified installation location.
-S [A|O] Displays a list of automatically installed filesets and a list of optionally installed filesets. If the -S flag is followed by A, then only the automatically installed filesets are listed. If the -S flag is followed by O, then only the optionally installed filesets are listed.
-v Displays only information from the vendor database, which contains ISMP product information. This flag is only valid when used with both the -L and the -c flags.
-w Lists fileset that owns this file.

You must specify one of the mutually exclusive flags: -d, -e, -E, -f, -h, -i, -l, -L, -p, -S, and -w.


  1. To list the installation state for the most recent level of installed filesets for all of the bos.rte filesets, type:
    lslpp -l "bos.rte.*"
  2. To list the installation state for the base level and updates for the fileset bos.rte.filesystem, type:
    lslpp -La bos.rte.filesystem
  3. To list the installation history information of all the filesets in the software package, type:
    lslpp -ha '*'
  4. To list the names of all the files of the bos.rte.lvm fileset, type:
    lslpp -f bos.rte.lvm
  5. To list the fileset that owns installp, type:
    lslpp -w /usr/sbin/installp
    Output similar to the following displays:
    File                               Fileset                
    /usr/sbin/installp                 bos.rte.install          File
  6. To list the fileset that owns all file names that contain installp, type:
    lslpp -w "*installp*"
    Output similar to the following displays:
    File                               Fileset                
    /usr/sbin/installp                 bos.rte.install          File
    /usr/clvm/sbin/linstallpv          prpq.clvm                File
                                       bos.sysmgt.nim.client    File
  7. To display all files in the inventory database, type:
    lslpp -w
  8. To display the installation state for the RPM cdrecord image , type:
    lslpp -L cdrecord
  9. To display the installation state for all the filesets contained in the Server bundle located at /usr/sys/, type:
    lslpp -L -b Server
    lslpp -L -b /usr/sys/


Item Description
/etc/objrepos/history Specifies installation and update history information of all software products on the root.
/usr/lib/objrepos/history Specifies installation and update history information of all software products on the /usr file system.
/usr/share/lib/objrepos/history Specifies installation and update history information of all software products on the /usr/share file system.
/etc/objrepos/lpp Specifies installation information of all software products on the root.
/usr/lib/objrepos/lpp Specifies installation information of all software products on the /usr file system.
/usr/share/lib/objrepos/lpp Specifies installation information of all software products on the /usr/share file system.
/etc/objrepos/product Specifies installation and update information of all software products on the root.
/usr/lib/objrepos/product Specifies installation and update information of all software products on the /usr file system.
/usr/share/lib/objrepos/product Specifies installation and update information of all the software products on the /usr/share file system.
/etc/objrepos/inventory Specifies names and locations of files in a software product on the root.
/usr/lib/objrepos/inventory Specifies names and locations of files in a software product on the /usr file system.
/usr/share/lib/objrepos/inventory Specifies names and locations of files in a software product on the /usr/share file system.
/usr/sys/ and /usr/sys/ Known locations for bundle files. Bundle files should have a .bnd extension.