mkprtsv Command


Configures TCP/IP-based print service on a host.


To Configure and Start Print Service for a Client Machine

mkprtsv -c [ -S ][ -q QueueName -v DeviceName -b "Attribute =Value ..." -a "Attribute =Value ..." | -A FileName ]

To Configure and Start Print Service for a Server Machine

mkprtsv -s [ -S ] [ -q QueueName -v DeviceName -b "Attribute =Value ..." -a "Attribute =Value ..." | -A FileName ] [ -h "HostName ..." | -H FileName ]


The mkprtsv high-level command configures a TCP/IP-based print service on a host. The print service configuration can be done for a host functioning as a client or for a host functioning as a server.

Use the command to configure and start the print service.

To configure print service for a client, the mkprtsv command calls the spooler mkque and mkquedev commands to change the /etc/lpd/qconfig file (or its object class equivalent) appropriately and set up a spooler queue on the client machine.

To configure print service for a server, the mkprtsv command does the following:

  1. Calls the ruser command to set up remote users to print on the server.
  2. Calls the mkque and mkquedev commands to change the server's /etc/lpd/qconfig file appropriately and set up the necessary device queues on the server machine.
  3. Calls the startsrc command to activate the lpd and qdaemon server daemons. The qdaemon server daemon starts the piobe printer backend.


Item Description
-A FileName Specifies name of file containing entries related to the qconfig file.
-a "Attribute =Value..." Specifies a list of attributes and their corresponding values to be used for updating the spooler's qconfig file or object class. The -a flag is optional. Valid attribute types are listed below:
acctfile (true/false)
Identifies the file used to save print command accounting information. The default value of false suppresses accounting. If the named file does not exist, no accounting is done.
Specifies the logical printer name.
Identifies the symbolic name that refers to the device stanza.
Defines the queue-serving algorithm. The default value of fcfs means first come, first served. A sjn value means shortest job next.
Specifies the remote print server.
up (true/false)
Defines the state of the queue. The default value of true indicates that it is running. A false value indicates that it is not.
-b "Attribute =Value..." Specifies a list of attributes and their corresponding values to be used for updating the spooler's qconfig file or object class. At least one attribute must be defined for the -b option. The backend attribute is required. Valid attribute types are listed below:
access (true/false)
Specifies the type of access the backend has to the file specified by the file attribute. The access attribute has a value of write if the backend has write access to the file, or a value of both if the backend has both read and write access. This field is ignored if the file field has a value of false.
align (true/false)
Specifies whether the backend sends a form-feed control before starting the job if the printer has been idle. The default value is false.
Specifies the full path name of the backend, optionally followed by flags and parameters to be passed to it. The backend attribute is required.
Specifies the number of separator pages to print when the device becomes idle, or takes a never value, which indicates that the backend is not to print separator pages.
Identifies the special file where the output of the backend is to be redirected. The default value of false indicates no redirection. In this case, the backend opens the output file.
header (never/always/group)
Specifies whether a header page prints before each job or group of jobs. The default value of never indicates no header page. To produce a header page before each job, specify an always value. To produce a header before each group of jobs for the same user, specify a group value.
trailer (never/always/group)
Specifies whether a trailer page prints after each job or group of jobs. The default value of never indicates no trailer page. To produce a trailer page after each job, specify an always value. To produce a trailer after each group of jobs for the same user, specify a group value.
Specifies the host name from which to print.
Translates short queue-status information to a format recognized by this operating system.
Translates long queue-status information to a format recognized by this operating system.
-c Performs print service configuration for a client machine. Use the -q flag with the -c option.
-H FileName Specifies the name of a file containing a list of host names.
-h "HostName..." Specifies a list of host names to be included in the list of remote users who can use the print server. The queuing system does not support multibyte host names.
-q QueueName Specifies the name of a queue in the qconfig file.
-S Starts print service after it is configured. If the -S flag is omitted, print service is configured but not started.
-s Performs print service configuration for a server machine. Use the -h, -H, and -q flags with the -s flag.
-v DeviceName Specifies the name of the device stanza in the qconfig file.


  1. To configure and enable print service for a client, enter the command in the following format:

    mkprtsv  -c -S -a"argname=rp1 backend=piobe \

    In this example, rp1 is the logical printer name, piobe is the printer backend, and print802 is the remote print server.
  2. To configure a print server using initialization information and allow remote printing, enter the command in the following format:

    mkprtsv  -s -H hnames  -A qinfo

    In this example, attribute information stored in the qinfo file initializes the spooler, and the list of host names stored in the hnames file is the list of remote hosts that have access rights to the print server.


Item Description
/etc/lpd/qconfig Contains configuration information for the printer queuing system.