pmctl Command


Starts, resets, or stops generating Performance Monitor events.


pmctl [ { [ -E [ mode ] ] [ -f interval ] {[ -y command ]} } | [ -h ] | [ -r ] | [ -S ] ] [ -s ] [ { -a -y command [ -f interval ] }]


The pmctl command starts, stops, or resets the generation of Performance Monitor events in the PMAPI subsystem to support manual offline mode with the tprof -E command. It also reports the current status of the PMAPI subsystem.


Item Description
-a Turns on large page analysis.
-E [ mode ] Enables event-based profiling. You can specify one of the following modes:
Specifies the hardware event to profile. If no mode is specified for the -E flag, the default event is processor cycles (PM_CYC).
Enables the emulation profiling mode.
Enables the alignment profiling mode.
Enables the Instruction Segment Lookaside Buffer miss profiling mode.
Enables the Data Segment Lookaside Buffer miss profiling mode.
-f interval Specifies the sampling interval to use.
  • For processor cycle, EMULATION, ALIGNMENT, ISLBMISS, and DSLBMISS events, specify 1 to 500 milliseconds (default = 10).
  • For other Performance Monitor events, specify 10000 up to MAXINT occurrences (default = 10000).
If you use the -f flag with the -y flag, specify 1 up to MAXINT occurrences for other Performance Monitor events (default = 10000).
-h Prints man page information.
-r Releases and resets the PMAPI subsystem.
-S Stops generating Performance Monitor events.
-s Prints the current status of the PMAPI subsystem.
-y command Turns on the event-based profiling only for the specified command and its descendents.


  1. To stop generating Performance Monitoring events, enter the following command:
    pmctl –S
  2. To reset generating Performance Monitoring events, enter the following command:
    pmctl –r
  3. To report the current status of the PMAPI subsystem, enter the following command:
    pmctl –s
  4. To start generating Performance Monitoring events, enter the following command:
    pmctl –E
  5. To start generating Performance Monitoring events only for the specified workload command and its descendents, enter the following command:
    pmctl –E –y workload
  6. To support the tprof -E command in manual offline mode, enter the following command:
    trace -adf -o mydata.trc
    pmctl –E 
    sleep 10; trcstop
    gensyms > mydata.syms
    tprof –suker mydata
  7. To support the tprof -E command in manual offline mode profiling for the specified workload command and its descendents, enter the following command:
    trace -adf -o mydata.trc
    pmctl –E –y workload
    gensyms > mydata.syms
    tprof –suker mydata