Supports project-based advanced accounting activities.
projctl add projname projnumber [comment] [ { -d projpath | -p [DN] } ]
projctl merge sourceprojpath [ -d targetprojfile ]
projctl rm projname [ { -d projpath | -p [DN] } ]
projctl chg projname [ -p pid [, pid] ] [-f]
projctl exec projname <cmd line> [-f]
projctl chattr agg projname {-s|-u} [ { -d projpath | -p [DN] } ]
projctl qpolicy [ -g [DN] ]
projctl qproj [projectname]
projctl qapp appname
projctl {chkusr | chkgrp | chkprojs | {{chkadm | chkall} [-d admpath]}}
projctl ldprojs -g [ -r ] [ -a ]
projctl ldprojs -g [DN] -d projpath
projctl ldprojs -p [DN] -d projpath
projctl unldprojs -g [DN] [ -f ] [ -a ]
projctl ldadm -g [name] [ -r ] [ -a ]
projctl ldadm -g [name:]DN | name ] -d admpath
projctl ldadm -p [ [name:]DN | name ] -d admpath
projctl unldadm -p [ [name:]DN | name ]
The various subcommands of projctl command perform project-based advanced accounting activities such as adding a new project, removing a new project, and loading a specific accounting policy. These various options of projctl command are as explained below.
Item | Description |
-a | Automatically loads the policies during system reboot. |
-d | Generally specifies the path from where the project definition file or the admin policy file should be referred. When used in the merge subcommand, it specifies the target project definition file where the merged project definitions are to be stored. |
-f | Overrides the policy rules when specified with chg and exec subcommands. Clears the project assigned to the processes when called with unldall subcommand. Force unload all the project definitions when called with unldprojs subcommand. |
-g | Specifies that the projects and policies are to be downloaded from the LDAP repository. |
-n | Sorts the list of project definitions based on the name. |
-p | When used in the chg subcommand, passes the list of process IDs that require a change in project assignment. When used in the add, rm, and chattr subcommands, specifies the LDAP DN where the project definition is to be updated. When used in the ld and unld subcommands, specifies that the projects and policies are to be uploaded to the LDAP repository. Its argument indicates the DN where the projects and policies are to be uploaded. |
-r | Reloads the policies. |
-s | Used in projctl chattr agg subcommand to enable the project aggregation property. |
-u | Used in projctl chattr agg subcommand to disable the project aggregation property. |
Item | Description |
admpath | Path from where to select the admin policy file. |
appname | Absolute path of the application whose project assignment list is requested. |
cmd line | Absolute path of the command to be executed through projctl exec command. |
comment | Project comments. |
DN | Distinguished Name that indicates the absolute path to the project and policy objects on the LDAP server. |
name | Name of the alternate admin policy definitions on the LDAP server. |
pid | Process IDs. |
projname | Name of the project. |
projnumber | Numeric value for the project. |
projpath | Path from where to select the project definition file. |
sourceprojpath | Path from where the project definition file to be merged is to be picked up. |
targetprojfile | Target project definition file where the project definitions should be merged. |
add Subcommand
The add subcommand adds the definition of the project to the project definition file. If the –d flag is specified then the project definition is added into the project definition file, under the named path. The default is to add to the /etc/project/projdef system project definition file. The project definition file under any other path should be named as .projdef:. If the new project is to be added to the system project definition file and the projects are already loaded in kernel, then the specified new project will be added into kernel project registry. Otherwise, the entry will be made only in the file. The add subcommand takes the project name, project number, and an option argument for project comments as parameters. By default, the aggregation property of the project will be set to no for all the projects created using this command.
If -p is specified, the new project definition is added to default project DN or the specified DN on the LDAP server. If -p is not specified, .config will provide source information. Running the -p option requires root authority.
:: Project Definition File
:: Dated: 23-JUN-2003
AIX:3542:yes::To Classify AIX Legacy Applications
Test_Project:0x10000:yes::To Classify Testing work
chattr agg Subcommand
The chattr agg subcommand enables and disables aggregation property for the given project. If -s flag is used the aggregation is enabled. If -u flag is used aggregation is disabled. If –d flag is specified then the project definition is updated in the project definition file under the specified path. The default is to update the system project definition file (/etc/project/projdef). If the update is to the system project definition file and it is already loaded in kernel, then the specified new project is updated in kernel project registry as well. Otherwise, the changes will be made only to the project definition file.
If -p is specified, the project definition is modified on default project DN or the specified DN on the LDAP server. If -p is not specified, .config will provide source information. Executing the -p option requires root authority.
chg Subcommand
The chg subcommand enables the user to change the list of projects that the user is permitted to use for his processes. The intended project name is given as input to this subcommand. If the process IDs are provided as input, those processes will be classified under the specified project. If there are no process IDs provided as input, the project change will happen to the process which started the projctl command.
By default, the chg subcommand changes the project assignment within the scope of available rules. To override the rules and assign a project directly to a process, the -f force option must be specified.
chk Subcommand
The chk subcommands check the validity of various project policies. The subcommands validate the projects and policies so that they can be loaded safely into the kernel. There are several chk subcommands to support various project policies. The subcommands include:
Item | Description |
chkadm | Validates the admin policies. Each rule in the admin policy file usually has four attributes: user-id, group-id, application path name, and the project names. The chkadm subcommand checks whether these attributes are valid and reports any errors found in the policies. When the -d option is used, the chkadm subcommand uses the admin policy file from the specified path for checking the rules. It also uses the alias and the temporary project definition file (.projdef), if required. The projects used in the rule will be first searched in the system project definition file. If it is not found there, then the .projdef file under the specified path will be used. |
chkall | Performs all the above validation activities, that is, it validates projects, user, group and admin policies. When the –d option is used, the chkadll subroutine uses the admin, alias, and project definition files from the specified path to validate the admin policies. |
chkgrp | Validates the group policies. The validation involves checking whether the project list of the group contains valid projects. |
chkprojs | Validates the system project definition file. Project Definitions are validated for uniqueness, project name and number validity, and attributes validity. The project name should be a POSIX alphanumeric string and the project number should be within the numeric range 0x00000001 - 0x00ffffff. The project numbers can be either decimal or hexadecimal numbers. All hexadecimal numbers should be shown with a prefix of 0x. The aggregation property can be either a y or a n to indicate the status of aggregation. The chkprojs subcommand performs all these validity checks on the project definitions and reports any errors found with the project definitions. |
chkusr | Validates the user policies. The validation involves checking whether the project list of the user contains valid projects. |
exec Subcommand
The exec subcommand allows a user to launch arbitrary commands with any of the project names from the list of projects on which the command can work. Similar to chg option, used to override the rules and use any project to run the command line, the -f force option should be used. To get the list of projects that the command can be assigned to, use the projctl qapp subcommand.
ld Subcommand
Item | Description |
ld | Loads the policies, which should be loaded during the system startup. It refers the /etc/project/.config file to determine which policies to load. If the kernel is loaded already with any one policy or project definition, then this command simply returns. |
ldadm | Loads the admin policies. Similar to ldusr and ldgrp subcommands, ldadm also
checks and loads the projects first, if they are yet to be loaded.
Then it loads the admin policy rules, after validating them. When
the -d option is used, the admin policy file will be picked
from the specified path. The alias and the temporary project definition
file under the specified path will be used to check the existence
of alias and project entries. After the policies are loaded, this
subcommand also copies the admin policy file to /etc/project/.admin.
Loading the admin policies related to LDAP is handled by the following -p and -g arguments:
ldall | Downloads user, group, and admin policies into the kernel. Similar to the ldusr and ldgrp commands, this option attempts to download LDAP projects if an accounting DN has been specified for projects, because the User and Group Policies are not associated with Local or LDAP Users individually. This command attempts to download the default Admin policy using the configured admin DN in addition to downloading the Local Admin Policy. |
ldgrp | Loads the group project policies. If they are not yet loaded, the ldgrp subcommand checks and loads the projects first. It then verifies the validity of the project list for all the groups and loads the rules. |
ldprojs | Loads the project definitions from the system
project definition /etc/project/projdef file. Before loading
the projects, it checks the validity of the rules. If the rules are
found to valid, then it loads them.
ldusr | Loads the user project policies. If they are not yet loaded, the lduser subcommand checks and loads the projects first. It then verifies the validity of the project list for all the users and loads the rules. |
merge Subcommand
The merge subcommand merges the projects defined in the project definition file under the specified path with the system project definition /etc/project/projdef file, by default. If a target project file name is passed using the -d option, the project definitions under the specified path are merged with the target project definition file. The merge operation will fail if there are conflicting entries between the target project definition file and the project definition file under the specified path. The merge command skips any duplicate entries to maintain unique entries in the target project definition file.
qapp Subcommand
The qapp subcommand displays the list of projects that an application can switch to in the current environment. It displays the list of all projects with which the specified application can be started.
qpolicy Subcommand
The qpolicy subcommand displays the currently loaded policies. This command queries the kernel to get the information about the types of loaded policies and displays them. If -g is specified, this command lists the policies from the LDAP default admin DN or from the specified DN.
qproj Subcommand
The qproj subcommand displays the details of the project name passed as its argument. If no argument is passed, then this subcommand lists all the project definitions in the system to which the calling process can be assigned. The display format will be the same as that of qprojs subcommand.
qprojs Subcommand
The qprojs subcommand displays the list of all the project definitions that is currently loaded in the kernel registry. The -n option provides the list sorted based on the project name. The display contains the project name, project number, and its aggregation status.
rm Subcommand
The rm subcommand removes the definition of locally defined projects from the project definition file. If the –d flag is specified, then the project definition is removed from the project definition file under the specified path. The default is to remove it from the system project definition file (/etc/project/projdef). If the update is to the system project definition file and it is already loaded in kernel, then the specified project is removed from kernel project registry. Otherwise, the entry will be removed only from the file.
unld Subcommand
Item | Description |
unldadm | Unloads the admin policies. |
unldall | Unloads all the loaded policies. |
unldgrp | Unloads the group policies. |
unldprojs | Unloads only the project definitions. |
unldusr | Unloads the user policies. |
Item | Description |
0 | The command completed successfully. |
>0 | An error occurred.
projctl add newproj 34 "Test Project"
projctl rm test1 –d /tmp/myproj
projctl chattr agg newproj –s
projctl exec newproj "/usr/bin/ps" –f
projctl qpolicy
Output: Project definitions are loaded.
Project definition file name: /etc/project/projdef
User policies are loaded.
projctl ldadm –d /tmp/myproj
projctl unldall -a
projctl add newproj 34 -p ou=projects,ou=aacct,ou=cluster1,cn=aixdata
projctl ldprojs -g -d /etc/project/ldap
projctl ldadm -g newdef
Item | Description |
/usr/bin/projctl | Contains the projctl command. |
/etc/project/projdef | Contains the system project definition file. |
/etc/project/ldap/projdef | Contains the default LDAP project definition file. |
/etc/project/.active | Contains the status of currently loaded policies. |
/etc/project/.config | Contains the status of the policies to be loaded during system reboot. |
/etc/security/ldap/ldap.cfg | Contains the LDAP client configuration details for handling advanced accounting data. |