rm_niscachemgr Command


Stops the nis_cachemgr daemon and comments the entry in the /etc/rc.nfs file.


rm_niscachemgr [ -I | -B | -N]


The rm_niscachemgr command comments the entry for the nis_cachemgr daemon in the /etc/rc.nfs file. The rm_niscachemgr daemon stops the nis_cachemgr daemon by using the stopsrc command.

Note: The mk_nisd, mk_cachemgr, mk_nispasswdd, rm_nisd, rm_cachemgr, and rm_nispasswdd commands do two things:
  • Alter the entries of daemon startup calls in /etc/rc.nfs.
  • Alter the default behavior of the daemon src entities.

For example, if the rpc.nisd daemon is supposed to start with the -Y flag, this will not be explicitly set in the /etc/rc.nfs entry for starting the rpc.nisd daemon. Instead, a chssys is executed to place the default options which are added (if any) to the daemons during startup. To verify that these options exist, use the lssrc -S -s subsystem command to show the default options.


Item Description
-I Comments the entry for the nis_cachemgr daemon in the /etc/rc.nfs file.
-B Comments the entry for the nis_cachemgr daemon in the /etc/rc.nfs file and stops the nis_cachemgr daemon. This flag is the default.
-N Stops the nis_cachemgr daemon using the stopsrc command. This flag does not change the /etc/rc.nfs file.
Note: An important effect of running this command is that the domain name of the NIS+ environment will be reset to NULL. It is assumed that if the administrator turns off the nis_cachemgr, the NIS+ configuration is no longer active. By resetting the domain name, unnecessary lookups are prevented. If the administrator does not desire this effect, they should run chypdom after rm_niscachemgr has been run.


To comment the entry in the /etc/rc.nfs file that starts the nis_cachemgr daemon, enter:
rm_niscachemgr -I
This command will not stop the currently executing daemon.


Item Description
/etc/rc.nfs Contains the startup script for the NFS and NIS daemons.