sminstkey Command


Installs private key ring.


sminstkey [ inpdir | -d | tarfile]


The sminstkey command expects the private key ring file of the current machine (S.privkr where S is the full TCP/IP machine name) in a directory, or on a diskette archive created by TAR, or in a TAR file, and installs it as /usr/websm/security/SM.privkr.

Note: In case of TAR file or diskette TAR, the private key ring should appear there without a path.

If the source private key ring file is password-encrypted, the command prompts for the password.

You can use Web-based System Manager (wsm) command to access the graphical interface.


Item Description
inpdir The source S.privkr is in the directory inpdir.
-d The source S.privkr is in a diskette archive created by TAR.
tarfile The source S.privkr is in the TAR file tarfile.


sminstkey /usr/websm/security/tmp

sminstkey -d

sminstkey /afs/security/privkrs.tar


Item Description
/usr/websm/security/SM.privkr Server private key ring file.