Sends ERRM events to an SNMP agent.
snmpevent [-a host-name] [-c community] [-h]
The snmpevent script sends a Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) trap of an event response resource manager (ERRM) event to a host running an SNMP agent. The agent formats the trap information into an SNMP trap and sends it to the SNMP manager defined in its configuration file. This script is meant to be called by the predefined ERRM response Generate SNMP trap. Event or rearm event information is captured and posted by ERRM in environment variables that are generated when an ERRM event or a rearm event occurs.
The snmpevent script can also be used as a template to create other user-defined actions. See the RSCT Administration Guide to understand how an event response resource runs an action command.
Condition: [ ERRM_COND_NAME]
Resource: [ERRM_RSRC_NAME]
Resource Class: [ERRM_RSRC_CLASS_NAME]
Resource Attribute: [ERRM_ATTR_NAME]
Attribute Type: [ERRM_DATA_TYPE]
Attribute Value: [ERRM_VALUE]
The snmpevent command captures these environment variable values and formats a generic message that is sent as a trap via a call to the snmptrap command.
The log_file is treated as a circular log and has a fixed size of 64KB. When log_file is full, new entries are written over the oldest existing entries.
If log_file already exists, event information is appended to it. If log_file does not exist, it is created so that event information can be written to it.
This script must be run on the node where the ERRM is running.
When the -h flag is specified, this script's usage statement is written to standard output.
VACM_GROUP group1 SNMPv1 public -
VACM_VIEW defaultView internet - included
-VACM_ACCESS group1 - - noAuthNoPriv SNMPv1 defaultView - defaultView -
NOTIFY notify1 traptag trap -
#TARGET_ADDRESS Target1 UDP traptag trapparms1 - - -
TARGET_ADDRESS Target1 UDP traptag trapparms1 - - -
TARGET_PARAMETERS trapparms1 SNMPv1 SNMPv1 public noAuthNoPriv -
COMMUNITY public public noAuthNoPriv -
DEFAULT_SECURITY no-access - -
logging file=/usr/tmp/snmpdv3.log enabled
logging size=0 level=0
smux gated_password # gated
snmpd smuxtimeout=200 #muxatmd
smux muxatmd_password #muxatmd
restart the snmpd daemon by first killing
the snmpd daemon that is currently running
and then starting it again: # ps -ef | grep snmpd
root 4570 12956 1 08:24:32 pts/0 0:00 grep snmpd
root 13810 1 0 08:11:04 - 0:00 snmpd
# kill -9 13810
# snmpd
Next, change the LParID property of node c175n08
to 12: # chnode c175n08 LParID=12
Now, on
the node (the node with the
SNMP manager that was specified in the /etc/snmpdv3.conf file),
the SNMP manager should record something like this: 2002-07-15 09:09:25 [] TRAP, SNMP v1,
community public Enterprise Specific Trap (1) Uptime: 0:01:45.00 = "Informational Event
occurred. Condition=NodeChanged Resource Class=Node Resource
Attribute=Changed Attributes Attribute Type=CT_CHAR_PTR_ARRAY Attribute
Val={LParID} "
The output varies based on SNMP managers.