Starts or restarts topology services on a cluster node.
Use topsvcs script to start the operation of topology services for a cluster.
The topsvcs script is not normally executed from the command line. It is normally called by the topsvcsctrl control script, which is in turn called by the HACMP/ES startup process.
no -o nonlocsrcroute=1
no -o ipsrcroutesend=1
no -o ipsrcrouterecv =1
no -o ipsrcrouteforward=1
These commands enable IP source
routing. Do not change this setting, because the topology services
subsystem requires this setting to work properly. If you change the
setting, the topology services subsystem and a number of other subsystems
that depend on it will no longer operate properly.You must have root privilege to run this command.
This command is valid in an HACMP™ environment only.
Use this command only under the direction of the IBM®Support Center.
When the -h flag is specified, this command's usage statement is written to standard output. All verbose messages are written to standard output.
This command writes error messages (as necessary) to standard error.
export HA_SYSPAR_NAME=partition1
/usr/sbin/rsct/bin/hatsoptions -s
/var/ha/soc/hats/server_socket.partition name