ue_proc_register Subroutine


Registers a process as critical to the system.


int ue_proc_register (pid, argument)
pid_t pid; 
int argument;


The ue_proc_register system call registers a particular process as critical to the system. A process that is critical will cause the system to terminate if that process has an unrecoverable hardware error associated with the process. Unrecoverable hardware errors associated with a process are determined by the kernel machine check handler on systems that support UE-Gard error processing.

An execed process from a critical process must register itself to be critical. A fork from a process inherits the critical registration unless the argument is set to NONCRITFORK.

If the value of the pid parameter is equal to (pid_t) 0, the subroutine is registering the calling process.

The ue_proc_register system call should be called only while executing with root authority in the user process.


Item Description
pid Specifies the process' ID to be registered critical.
argument Defined in the sys/proc.h header file. Can be the following value:
The pid forks are not critical.

Execution Environment

The ue_proc_register system call can be called from the process environment only.

Return Values

Item Description
0 Indicates successful completion.
EINVAL Indicates that the pid parameter is not valid or the process no longer exists.
EACCES Indicates that the caller does not have sufficient authority to alter the pid registration.