
Rejects a connection request.


#include <rdma/rdma_cma.h>
int rdma_reject(struct rdma_cm_id *id, const void *private_data, uint8_t private_data_len);


The rdma_reject function is called from the listening side to reject a connection lookup request.

Note: After receiving a connection request event, you might call rdma_reject to reject the request. If the underlying RDMA transport supports private data in the reject message, the specified data is passed to the remote side.


id Specifies the connection identifier associated with the request.
private_data Specifies the optional private data to send with the reject message.
private_data_len Specifies the size of private_data to send, in bytes.

Return Values

The rdma_reject function returns the following values:
0 On success.
-1 Error, see errno.
-EINVAL The error occurs if the id is NULL.
-ENODATA The write operation on id->channel->fd failed.
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