SMIT Helps for AIX Connections

Note: The information contained in this article is structured as help information for the System Management Interface Tool (SMIT) and is not intended for general reading.

AIX Connections

AIX Connections combines the following functions into one convenient and integrated package:


Configuration services for AIX Connections. This option takes you to a menu that allows you to further configure your AIX Connections servers.


Administration services for AIX Connections. This option takes you to a menu that allows you to administer your servers.

AIX Connections Client

The AIX Connections Client allows the AIX system to act as a client to other PC servers. AIX Connections can coexist with the existing servers or provide file and print services as a stand-alone server.

To access a foreign file system, you must first log into it and mount a remote volume.

Quick Start

A default configuration for LSserver, NWserver, and/or MACserver. This option creates a default interface per realm and starts the services.


Sets up the interfaces for the servers. You must set up the interfaces prior to starting the AIX Connections servers.

The interface configuration is defined under available transports. Transports contain a set of network interfaces and operate over them.


Configures or modifies the AIX Connections volumes. Volumes are subdirectories of the AIX file system that are capable of being exported through file services. The same volume can be exported by file services in different realms. A single file service can also export an unlimited number of volumes. Volumes are defined at the system level.


The services provided by the servers that were installed, such as file, print, and terminal services. Clients can locate a service that has been added to a realm by name. The service name consists of a name and a service type separated by a colon. File services are containers of volume references, printer references, attach points, and client context.

Attach Point

The attach point configuration is a subdirectory of a volume that can be used in a client request to redirect a virtual drive to the server.

Configure AIX Connections Printer

Printers are defined as AIX print queues that are capable of being exported through file and/or print services. Printers are defined at the system level as the same printer can be exported by file and print services and different realms.

A single file service can export any number of printers. For each file service, you must create a printer configuration and reference the printer.

Manage Interfaces

Allows you to add, modify, or delete AIX Connections transport interface options.

List Interfaces

Lists the interfaces on which the transports operate.




Realms are groups of service types and services specified by the type of transport protocol offered:

NW - for NetWare clients (NWserver)

AT - for AppleTalk clients (MACserver)

NB - for NetBIOS clients (LSserver).

Select Interface

Specify or select the interface over which the transport operates. Press F4 to select from a list of predefined interfaces.






Lists the interfaces on which transports operate.



Modify or delete an interface configuration.


Transports are low-level networking protocols that are defined at the system level and are referenced from all realms. You can define a single transport in more than one realm, and a realm can support more than one transport protocol.


Specify the actual device interface to use. For example, /dev/dlpi/tr:1 or /dev/lana0.

Press F4 to view a list of the device interfaces.

Frame Type

Select the Ethernet packet frame type to use with the given net number. Valid values are:

The /dev/dlpi/en interface supports only the ethernet_ii frame type.

The /dev/dlpi/et interface supports other ethernet frame types.

The /dev/dlpi/tr interface supports token-ring and token-ring_snap frame types.

The internal frame type is supported only on the internal network. Because the internal network supports only this frame type, using the frametype command is optional with the "internal" value.

Any Selection

The /dev/dlpi/en interface supports only the ethernet_ii frame type.

The /dev/dlpi/et interface supports other Ethernet frame types.

The /dev/dlpi/tr interface supports token-ring and token-ring_snap frame types.

The internal frame type is supported only on the internal network.

Maximum Transfer Unit (MTU)

Specify the maximum transfer size, in bytes, that this interface can use.

Network Number

Because routing is supported, the Novell notion of an internal network is also supported. This is a software simulation of a network that can only be reached by routing through the host. This release requires the use of an internal network on each host. The file server has an address on the internal network. The network number of the internal network can be a random number.

The default for the internal network number is the value returned from the hostid command.


Set this option to on to use DDP checksum. The default value is off.

Default Zones

Specify the AppleTalk network zone in which the MACserver host resides.

Determine whether the network is divided into AppleTalk zones by selecting Chooser from the "apple" menu on a Macintosh computer. If no zones have been created or if there is no router on the network, the AppleTalk zones do not appear. If the list does appear, you can double-click on a zone name to view a list of the computers in that zone.

If the network is not divided into zones, or if you do not want the MACserver host to reside in an existing zone, create a name for the default zone.

Net Range

Specify a network number or a range of network numbers.

Zone List

Specify a list of AppleTalk zone names available to the MacServer.

Manage Volumes

Allows you to add, modify, or delete AIX Connections volumes.

Manage Volume References

Allows you to add, modify, or delete volume references defined for file services.

Volumes are subdirectories of the AIX file system that are capable of being exported through file services. The same volume can be exported by file services in different realms. A single file service can also export an unlimited number of volumes.

An individual file service contains a list of the volumes it exports. For a file service to be able to export a specific volume, you must create a reference to that volume.

List Defined Volumes

Lists all defined volumes.

List Volume References

Lists all defined volume references.

Select Volume Name

Allows you to specify a new volume name. To modify an existing volume name, press F4 and select a currently configured volume.


Specify the full path (beginning with "/") to the AIX directory that will serve as the virtual root of the volume being defined.

Volumes can overlap; that is, one volume's root can lie within another volume. However, a volume must not lie within or coincide with a protected volume.

Protect Count

Specifies the number of concurrent connections to the volume you are defining. This function can help system administrators comply with software licensing requirements.

The limit is the number of concurrent connections allowed. Once the connection limit is reached, subsequent connection attempts are denied. Connections from different realms are counted towards the limit. A limit of 0 means that no access is allowed.

If the volume you are defining is given a protect option, and the volume lies within any other volume, it appears empty when accessed through the other volume.

Share Access

Specify whether the volume being defined can be made accessible through share-level security mode services.

The default value is off, meaning that the volume is only accessible through user-level security mode services. If LS Server Share Access is set to on, the volume is accessible through share-level security mode services.

Share password

Specify a share-mode password to apply to a volume. This option only applies to the NB realm, and only if the LS Server Share Access attribute is set to on.

The value for the share password is a string that is specified in plain text. If you use the number sign (#), it indicates that access will be denied when the Share Mode is used. If you do not specify a value for the Share Password attribute, the volume is accessible in the Share Mode without a password.

Appletalk map

Represents a set of associations between Macintosh-style file directories and AIX file suffixes. These are defined at the system level so that a single AppleTalk map can be referenced by more than one file service.

Appletalk text convert

Specifies text file mapping to files in the volume.

Service Name

Specifies the list of services that are used for login purposes.

Manage Services

Allows you to add, modify, and delete services.

List Services

Lists the services per realm that are currently configured.

Select Service

Select the service that you wish to modify. To add a new service, type in the new service name using the format name:service_type.


Allows you to modify or delete a service configuration.

Type of Service?

Specifies the types of services available for the current release of the AIX Connections, which are file, print, term, and nvt. File and term services are available for the NB realm; file, term, and nvt services are available for the NW realm; and file and print services are available for the the AT realm.


Specifies the AIX command line that is executed when a client makes a connection to the service being defined. The command line is not interpreted by the AIX shell; therefore, no shell services, such as quoting, wild cards, or redirection, are available. You can include any valid parameters for the AIX command.

Home Directory

Specifies the full, absolute path to the home directory of the service. Only use this option if you want the working directory of the service to be something other than the directory in which the executable resides.

Service Description

Allows you to enter a textual description of the service. Do not enclose text in quotes.

Write Activity Record

Specifies whether to maintain an activity log for the file services being defined. The default value is off (no log). If you set this option to on, "connection activity statistics" are recorded in the activity log file that resides in the AIX Connections home directory.

Default Attach Point

Specifies the default attach point for redirected drives; that is, when a client redirects a drive to the file service without specifying a volume or attach point. If you do not specify a default attach point, the default becomes the first volume listed in the service configuration section for the service to which the client is connecting.

Authentication proxy

Specify an authentication proxy for the server.

If you specify an authentication proxy, all login attempts are forwarded to the proxy (a substitute) for processing. This allows the server(s) to maintain a list of authenticated users for all file services in its realm. By default, clients are authenticated by the server itself using client encryption users (if the Encrypted Client Password option is set to on) or AIX users (if the Encrypted Client Password is set to off). The proxy does not need to be a service on the same host, nor does it need to be an AIX Connections service.

Cache size

Specifies the size of the cache directory (the number of entries to maintain in the directory cache) for the service being defined. The default value is 5.

Allow users to change their password?

Specifies if clients are allowed to change their password through the file server. The default value is off (no).

Use client file modification timestamp values?

Specifies whether client timestamp values are honored as file modification times.

The default value is off, in which case the server's system to timestamp file modifications on all files connecting to the file service being defined. This option can be overridden by a client time attribute in the user's configuration file.

Encrypted client password

Specifies whether client passwords are accepted in encrypted form for the file service being defined. The default value is off (no). If you set this value to on, passwords sent by clients are encrypted according to the method appropriate to the realm.

Remote control command path

Specifies the default list of directories to be searched when a user executes an AIX command through RemoteControl (or another application of the AIX Connections SessioOpen interface) over a connection to the file service being defined.

This option has the same effect for remote command execution as the PATH environment variable has for ordinary AIX shell commands. The path is of the form:

AIXdir(:AIXdir) ...

where AIXdir is any valid directory on the server.

If you specify more than one directory, separate them with a colon. Do not insert any spaces. The maximum length of the path is 256 characters. The default command path is /usr/bin:/bin.

Because AIX does not check the current directory when searching for the program to execute, enter "." as one of the directories if you want RemoteControl to check the current directory.

This option can be overridden by a commandpath attribute in a user's configuration file.

Use only the core SMB protocol?

Instructs the LMfile to use only the SMB protocol for the file service being defined. The default value is off (no). If this option is set to on, the service effectively becomes Microsoft MS_NET style instead of LAN Manager-compatible style.

Note: This option is useful only in the case where client software does not correctly use the extended SMB protocol. It gives you the option of forcing the client to revert to the core protocol.

Database update interval

Specifies how often the database of client and resources statistics is updated, in seconds. The default is 120. If you set this option to 0 or a negative number, the database will never update.

Freespace report method

Select the method for calculating free disk space. The default value is all. If you use the default value, the free disk space that is reported to clients is the total free on all partitions. If you set this value to root, the free disk space that is reported to clients is only that which is free in the partition where the virtual root of the client's connection resides.

This option can be overridden by a Freespace report attribute in a user's configuration file.

Guest User

Specify the AIX user name to be used for guest logins to the AT realm file services.

Keepalive Interval?

Specify the keepalive interval, in minutes.

This option enables files to detect and close client sessions that have been incorrectly terminated, such as when a client PC is turned off while a session is open. This option is necessary only if the transport protocol you are using does not provide its own keepalive function.


Specifies the machine type to use for AppleTalk GetServerInfo responses. Use this field to enter a string describing the server's hardware and/or operating system. The default value is a null string.

Maximum number of concurrent connections?

Specifies the maximum number of simultaneous connections allowed by the service being defined.

Maximum network input/output buffer size

Specifies the maximum network input/output buffer size that the Internetwork Packet Exchange Protocol (IPX) uses for communicating with clients. This value is given in bytes, with a minimum of 512 bytes. The maximum value, which is also the default, is the maximum number of bytes allowed by the client. For Ethernet clients, the default and maximum value is 1500. For Token Ring, the default and maximum value is 2052.

Process priority increment

Specifies a number that is a decimal integer within the range of -20 to +19 that is used to determine the AIX process priority for the service being defined. This value is passed to the AIX nice system call.

A positive number decreases the priority of the process; a negative number increases the priority. The default value is -5, which gives the process a higher priority than the AIX default.

No login list

Specifies one or more users to prevent from connecting to the host through AIX Connections using the service being defined. If you use this option, the AIX users listed by their username are not allowed to connect. Each no-login attribute can name any number of AIX user names.

Note: This option has no effect if either client-encryption or authent-proxy is set to on. Also, this option does not apply to the NB realm.

Null Group?

Specifies an AIX group that can be used as a group trustee when a group trustee is deleted.

Trustees are users or groups who have special permissions associated with an encrypted file or a directory. If you do not specify a group trustee, the AIX group in which the file owner is a member is used as the default trustee.

Null password login

Specifies whether users with no passwords are allowed to connect to the host through AIX Connections using the service being defined.

The default value is off, in which case a user with no password cannot access the server without a password. If this value is set to on, a no-password account (such as guest) can access the server.

Note: This option can be used only for services where client-encryption is set to off and authent-proxy is not defined.

Maximum Number of Open Files?

Specifies the maximum number of open files that can be held by AIX Connections processes.

Allow packet burst

Specifies whether packet burst mode is allowed in the NW realm. If this option is set to off, NWfile does not allow the packet burst mode. The default value is on.

Age passwords

Specifies whether password aging is supported. If you set this option to on, the system does not allow passwords that have aged when sent during connection attempts to the service being defined. The default value is off. If you set this option to off, the system ignores the aging of the password.


Specifies whether the service name indicates a program that provides service to clients on an individual basis (off) or collectively (on). The default value is off.

Note: For NW realms, persistent is set to off.

Duplicate NetBIOS service names

Enables duplicate service names on the same network. The default value is unique, which means that the service name defined by this file is unique on the network. If this option is set to group, other NetBIOS services of the same name are allowed on the network.

Default Printer

Specify the default printer. Client's print jobs go to this printer when a they do not specify a printer name. The printer name that you specify must be a a configured AIX print queue.

This attribute can be overridden with a Default Printer attribute in a user's configuration file.

Packet size restriction

Specifies the maximum packet size to negotiate. The older NETX clients negotiate with servers for the packet size to use. This option is not needed with the newer LVM clients, which use Large Internet Packets (LIP). The default value is 576 bytes.

Restrict DOS compatibility mode

Specifies whether to emulate a condition on PC servers that does not allow the sharing of files opened in the DOS compatibility mode (DCM).

The default value is off, in which case LMfile allows for the simultaneous opening of files for reading over the service being defined. This is the normal behavior for LMfile. Setting this option to on causes LMfile to emulate the PC server's behavior of not allowing the sharing of files opened in DMC.

Save AT Password

Specifies whether to allow users to save their password for later use. The default value for savepass is off (no).

Search Count

Specifies the number of directory search contexts LMfile preserves for the service being defined. The default value is 30.

On a system that has an extremely large file system (many large directories or many subdirectories), a few programs (such as the DOS tree and xcopy command) can get confused if this value is too small.

Share Mode

Select the security mode of the file service being defined. The default value is off, which means user-level security mode is used for the service. If you set this value to on, share-level security mode is used for the file service.

Share name

Select the AIX username to be used for share-level security mode access to the volume being defined. This option only applies if the Share Mode attribute is set to on for the service.

Spool directory

Specifies the directory path where print files are spooled for clients using the service being defined. The path is the full pathname of a valid AIX directory. The default path is /tmp. The path specified must have a permission mode of 777.

Transport list

Lists the protocols over which the transports operate.

For the NB realm, the transport available is altnb (NetBIOS). For the NW realm, the transport available is tnipx (IPX/SPX). For the AT realm, the transport available is tnatk (AppleTalk).


Specifies file access permissions for clients.

Umask represents the AIX protection mask value to be used. It defines access restrictions, called permissions, to be set for files and directories. The permissions define who can read, write, and execute individual files or files within a directory. Umask is represented as a three-digit octal number.

The first digit of the octal number indicates permissions for the owner of a file or directory. The second digit of the octal number indicates permissions for other members of the groups sharing the same group ID as the file's owner. The third digit of the octal number sets permission for all other users.

The value of each digit of the octal number determines the allowable permissions. Permission rights for read, write, and execute are each represented by a specific value. Permissions are defined by taking the values of the permissions and adding them to 0. The value 7 means that all access rights are denied; the value 0 means that all access rights are granted. Read permission has a value of 4, write permission has a value of 2, and execute permission has a value of 1 (for directories this equates to search permission).

The following table shows some possible ways to configure permissions:

Umask Number  File Permission  Directory Permission
     0             rw-                 rwx
     1             rw-                 rw-
     2             r--                 r-x
     3             r--                 r--
     4             -w-                 -wx
     5             -w-                 -w-
     6             ---                 --x
     7             ---                 ---

DOS and Macintosh operating systems do not distinguish between reading and executing a file, so the execute permission bit is ignored (for directories, it still gives search permission). If you want DOS or Macintosh users to run programs owned by the user, they need to retain read permission.

In the Macintosh operating system, the protection setting for new folders is determined by the Macintosh operating system; therefore, the umask command is limited in this realm.

The umask can be set for specific volumes using the umask option of the volume command.

User Name

Specifies the AIX user identity that is assumed when the AIX command line given in the command option for the service is executed. The default is root.

In addition to inheriting the specified user identity, the server process also inherits the appropriate group list for username.

Manage Attach Point

Allows you to add, modify, and delete an AIX Connections attach point.

List Attach Points

Allows you to view a list of all defined attach points.

Entry Field

The attach point can be any name that can be transmitted by a client's redirector. All characters are treated as upper case characters.

Press F4 for a list of the defined attach points.


Specifies the virtual root of the redirected drive.


Specifies the relative pathname to a subdirectory on the volume. On the drive redirected to the attach point, a user cannot access subdir's parent directory. The pathname can also be "/" or ".".

Configure AIX Connections Printers

Allows you to add, modify, and delete AIX Connections printers.

Enable AIX Connections Printers

Allows you to add, modify, and delete printer references defined for file services.

Within the AIX Connections environment, individual file services contain a list of the printers it exports. Because the same printer can be exported by any number of file services for realms, a list of "printer references" are associated with the exported printers. The real printers, and their attributes, are defined at the system level.

List AIX Connections Printer

Allows you to view a list of all AIX Connections printers.

List Enabled AIX Connections Printers

Allows you to view a list of all printer references defined for the file services.

Entry Field

Select a printer for AIX Connections.

Press F4 to view a list of all printers defined at the system level.

AIX Printer Queue

Specifies the AIX print queue name associated with the printer, as defined on the AIX system. The default value is the printer name itself.

Spooler options

Specifies one or more options to pass to the AIX printer spooler (lpr, etc.) when printing on the printer being defined.

Share Access

Specifies the security mode through which the printer being defined is accessed. The default value is off, meaning that the printer is only accessible through user-level security.

If NB Share Access is set to on, the printer can be accessed through services using share-level security. In this case, a share password can be set for the printer.

Share Password

Specifies the share-mode password that can be applied to a printer. This option only applies to the NB realm, and only if the NB share access attribute is set to on.

The value for the share password is a string that is specified in plain text (that is, not encrypted). If this option is not specified, or if the value of the string is a null string, the printer is accessible in the Share Mode without a password.

Start/Stop Server

Allows you to start or stop the servers.

Refresh Servers

Press Enter to refresh, or update, the database that contains AIX Connections data.

Server status

Displays the current status of the AIX Connections servers per realm. It also displays the status of the services within the three realms.

Accept/Reject connections

Allows you to accept or reject new client connections to an AIX Connections service.

List connected clients

Lists clients currently connected to AIX Connections. This option displays minimal information about AIX Connections clients. It will display the following information:

The report usually shows only one connection per Ethernet address. A duplicate client might be listed if a connection has not yet been recognized by AIX Connections as terminated.

Display client information

Displays information about AIX Connections service clients. Use this option to display information about one or more currently connected clients, such as when they initiated connection and their network addresses.

Check file service database

Select Enter to check and repair the AIX Connections runtime database and lock information.

When errors are found in the lock information or the AIX Connections runtime database, they are displayed. The runtime database, among other things, stores information about running transports, programs, and connected clients.

Display lock file

Displays the contents of the AIX Connections lock file. This function displays the contents of the lock.smb file in the AIX Connections home directory in a readable format. The default behavior is to display all lock records in the file, in the following format:

Inum Dev State Clients
821 15,48 C 1
815 15,48 DW 2

Inum and Dev are the inode and device numbers of the file. State is the sharing state of the file, as follows:

C = DOS Compatibility mode

DN = Deny None

DR = Deny Read

DW = Deny Write

DA = Deny All (that is, deny read and write)

Clients is the number of clients that have the file open.

If you select "Full information?", the report includes the AIX user name, client PC name, and server process ID for the clients that have each file open. The report might be limited to a certain file or directory name. (If a directory name is given, all locked files in that directory are displayed with their filenames.) The report might also be limited to a certain inode number of client name.

Start/Stop realm

Starts or stops all servers in a specified realm.

Change/Delete AIX Connections password

Adds, changes, or deletes passwords for all the realms installed on AIX Connections.

Note: When the client-encryption option is set to on for an AIX Connections service, only valid AIX users who have entries in the AIX Connections password file can access that service. When client-encryption is off, all valid AIX users are accepted.

Send message to client

Enables you to send a message to clients in the NB or NW realm.

Disconnect client

Disconnects AIX Connections clients by deleting one or more service clients. You must specify at least one client by AIX user name or client network address. A message is sent to the affected clients, warning them of impending termination and allowing them time to exit their sessions.

You can include an optional comment, such as an explanatory reason, up to the length of the remaining room on the command line. For the client to see the message, the client's network software must have the receiver capability enabled.

Do you want full information?

Choosing "No" to this question gives you a report that includes the following information about connected clients:

Choosing "Yes" to this question gives you a report that includes the following additional information:

The default value is "Yes".

Full information?

Select whether you want to run a full report. Choosing "Yes" to this option gives you a report that includes the AIX user name, client PC name, and server process ID for each client that has files open.

File/Directory Name?

Specify a file or directory name for which to run a report of locked files associated with that file or directory. If you specify a directory name, all locked files in that directory are displayed with their file names.

Inode number?

Specify an inode number to run a report of locked files associated with that inode.

Client Name?

Specify a client name to run a report of locked files associated with that client name. Clients is the number of clients that have the file open.

Add or modify AIX Connections password

Allows you to adds or modify a user's AIX Connections password.

AIX Connections User Name

Select a user's name. Press F4 to view a list of user names.


The client is either the AIX user name of a connected user or the machine name of the client computer. To send a message to all clients/users, leave the client and user name fields blank.


Enter a text message. When you enter a message, it is transmitted to all specified clients. The message is displayed at each client's monitor. The recipient has to press Ctrl-Enter to clear the message from the screen.

For the NW realm, the message can be up to 55 characters. For the NB realm, the message can be up to 100 characters.

You cannot send messages in the AT realm.

Minutes to disconnect

Specifies the number of minutes to delay until clients are terminated. A message is sent to the affected clients warning of the impending termination, which allows clients time to exit their sessions.

Reason for disconnect

Enter an explanation of why you are disconnecting the clients. You cannot input a reason for disconnecting unless you have also entered a value for the Minutes to disconnect field.

Login / Logout

Login provides access to a remote server. Logout disconnects from a remote server.

Mount / Unmount volume

Mount instructs the operating system to make a file system available for use at a specified location, which is the mount point. Unmount deletes the reference to the file system. You must log in as root before running this option.

Server Name

Specifies the name of the server being used.

Mount Point

Specifies the directory on which the file system is to mount.

User name

Specifies the AIX user name to disconnect.

Log In or Log Out

Press F4 to select log in or log out. Log in logs you into another server. Log out disconnects you from a server.

Mount or Unmount

Press F4 to select mount or unmount.

Server Name

Press F4 to select the name of the server to which you want to log in or log out.

AIX Connections System Name

Specify the host name that is to be used by the AIX Connections Admin tool as well as other AIX Connections' utilities.

Start / Stop AIX Connections Admin Tool

Starts or stops the httpd daemons that allow you to administer AIX Connections with a web browser.

User Name

Specify an AIX user identity that is to be used when the AIX command line given in the command option for the service is executed. The default user name is root. In addition to inheriting the specified user identity, the server process also inherits the appropriate group list associated with the user name.

To perform this operation, you must be root and a member of the "system" group.

IPX Configuration

IPX is the Internetwork Packet Exchange Protocol, a Novell standard data transmission protocol similar to the Internet Protocol (IP). IPX packets are encapsulated in Ethernet or Token-Ring frames.

Modify Realm

Modifies a realm configuration. For the NW realm, this option allows you to modify the bindery load option. For the NB realm, this option allows you to modify the domain name and announcement interval.

List Realms

Lists all the configured realms.

Bindery Load

Adds user names to the database as users log in and as files are accessed. This option applies to the NW realm only.

Optionally, you can specify a predefined list of user names with one or more bindery-load directives. If you specify the word "ALL" (in capital letters) instead of a list of user names, the entire AIX user database is internalized. That is, either the local /etc/passwd and /etc/group (or equivalents) or the NIS/NIS-maps are used.

Domain Name

Specifies the NetBIOS name representing a Microsoft LAN Manager domain or a Microsoft Windows Network workgroup. This option applies to the NW realm only.

LMfile responds to this name when a LAN Manager or Windows Network client checks the network for domains/workgroups (using the net view command or its graphical equivalent).

There is no default.

Announcement Interval

Specifies the frequency of the announce mail slot broadcast, in seconds. Seconds is the number of seconds between broadcasts. The default is 300 seconds; that is, one broadcast every ten minutes).

This option applies to the NW realm only.

User Name

Specify the user to which to send the message.

System Name

Allows you to change the AIX Connections system name that is used by some of the AIX Connections' utilities.

Start/Stop the Netware Server

Starts or stops the Netware Server.

Configuring IPX/SPX Protocols

Specifies options for configuring the IPX protocols (IPX, SPX, RIP, and SAP) and the IPX networks.

Show/Change Configured Local Area Networks (LANs)

Specifies options for viewing or changing any Local Area Networks (LANs) already configured. To configure a new LAN, select Add.

IPX Protocol Stack Configuration

Specifies options for viewing or changing the configuration for the IPX protocol stack.

IPX SAP Daemon Configuration

Specifies options for viewing or changing the configuration for the IPX SAP daemon.

Start IPX at Boot Time?

Controls whether IPX is started at boot time. Select "Yes" to start IPX automatically at boot time. Select "No" if IPX will not start at boot time. The default is "Yes".

Note that when IPX is not started, other services that require IPX, such as Network Unix Client and NVT, will not function.

Automatic Discovery of Server Address

Controls automatic discovery of the server's address. Select "Yes" to enable automatic discovery of the network address for this server. Select "No" to disable automatic discovery. The default is "Yes".

If the IPX Internal LAN Address has a non-zero value, automatic discovery runs once and is turned off.

Network Address for Multiple LANs Access

Provides a single network address for access from multiple LANs. This parameter specifies the network address of the internal network(LAN 0). This network address must be unique among all other assigned network addresses on the IPX internetwork. Set this value if multiple networks are configured on your system, or if you have installed the NetWare Server.

The default value (zero) signifies that no internal network is configured. You can enter the values in hexadecimal(0xNNNNN), decimal (NNNNN), or octal (0NNNN). Supported values, which include 0x1 to 0xfffffffe Default: 0x0 (Not Configured), are always displayed in hexadecimal format.

Start Server Advertiser Protocol Daemon

Specifies whether the Server Advertiser Protocol Daemon (SAPD) starts, and whether RIP advertises IPX networks. If the IPX Internal Network parameter has a non-zero value, the Router Type is automatically set to FULL when IPX starts. If the Router Type is set to FULL, SAPD starts and RIP advertises. If the Router Type is set to CLIENT, SAPD does not start and RIP does not advertise.

The default is FULL.

Enable Diagnostic Services ?

Specifies whether diagnostic services are enabled. If diagnostic services are enabled, the IPX diagnostics protocol is enabled, and this machine will respond to IPX diagnostic protocol queries.

Select "Yes" if network management is to be enabled. The windows NMS console requires the diagnostic protocol to draw the network map.

The default is "No".

Start SPX Driver?

Specifies whether the SPX driver is started when the IPX protocol stack is started. SPX is a Novell transport protocol that works with the IPX transport to guarantee successful delivery of data packets across the network. IPX is a datagram service, and SPX is a connection-based service. Some NetWare services such as printing and NVT require SPX.

Select "Yes" to start the SPX driver when the IPX protocol stack is started. The default is "Yes".

Activate NVT Remote Login Services?

Specifies whether NVT remote login services will be activated. Select "Yes" or "No". The default is "Yes".

Maximum Number of Connections SPX Supports

Specifies the maximum number of connections SPX can support. If the system is using NetWare print services, allow enough connections for the print server, the printers, and other NetWare servers serviced by the print server.

For small systems, you may want to decrease this parameter to conserve kernel memory resources. Systems that are configured for NVT services should increase this parameter, because NVT now uses SPXII for its underlying protocol. Increase this parameter if connections are failing because no more devices or sockets are available.

Supported values include 5 to 1024. The default is 100.

Number of Sockets Used Simultaneously for Listening

Specifies the number of sockets that SPX can use simultaneously for listening for connect requests from other end points. This parameter is configured so that small systems can efficiently use allocated memory for optimal system performance. Increase the value if applications are failing because listening sockets cannot be opened.

Supported values include 5 to 200. The default is 50.

Maximum Number of Routers Traversed

Specifies the maximum number of routers that can be traversed while searching for a destination network. When this limit is reached, the packet is discarded.

Supported values include 2 to 16. The default is 16.

Hash Entries in Routing Information Table

Specifies the number of hash entries in the Routing Information Table. Increase this value if a very large number of networks are visible from the local network on which the router/server resides. Decrease this value if a very small number of networks are visible from the local network on which the router/server resides. Any number provided is rounded up to a power of 2.

Supported values include 1 to 32768. The default is 512.

Machine Advertised as AIX Platform?

Controls whether this machine is advertised as a AIX platform. Select "Yes" if other machines can obtain the server name and IPX address of this machine. This parameter must be set to "Yes" if peer to peer operations such as application sharing are used.

The default is "Yes".

Server Advertises Remote Application Sharing?

Controls whether the server advertises remote application sharing. Select "Yes" if the server will advertise that it has applications to share. Select "No" if application sharing is not advertised.

The default is "No".

SAP Daemon Performs Fast Initialization?

Specifies whether the SAP daemon performs fast initialization. If this parameter is set to "Yes", the SAP daemon becomes operational while establishing the table of network servers. If this parameter is set to "No", the SAP daemon becomes operational after establishing the table of known network servers.

The default is "Yes".

Maximum Number of Servers Recognized by SAP

Specifies the maximum number of servers of all types that can be seen on all networks recognized by SAP. This parameter determines the size of the shared memory region used by SAP. If it is too small, new servers that do not fit in the table are ignored. Supported values include 50 to 4294967294. The default is 3000.

Log File Name for SAP Daemon Messages

Specifies the name of the log file for messages generated during the normal operation of the SAP daemon, such as messages relating to start/stop times or any unusual situations encountered. Valid values are any valid UNIX filename created in the log directory or a valid path and filename. Maximum length is 127. The default is 'sap.log'.

Maximum Number of Messages for Log File of SAP

Specifies the maximum number of messages that will be logged in the file specified by the SAP log file parameter. Use a value of 0 to disable logging. Supported values include 0 to 4294967294. The default is 300.

File Name for Output of SAP Tables Dump

Specifies the name of the file that receives the output when the SAP daemon dumps the SAP tables. The dump is initiated by sending the SAP daemon a SIGPIPE, and is generally used only for debugging. Valid values are any valid UNIX filename created in the log directory, or a valid path and filename. The maximum length is 127. The default is 'sap.dump'.

Device Showing SAP packets Tracking Messages

Specifies the device that displays tracking messages showing SAP packets when the "track on" command is invoked. Valid values are any valid UNIX filename created in the log directory, a valid path and filename, or the console '/dev/console'. The maximum length is 127. The default is '/dev/console'.

Running priority for SAP Daemon

Specifies the running priority for the SAP daemon relative to other processes, and is mainly used to give SAP a higher priority than other processes. Supported values include 0 to 40. The default is 15.

Name of Device Driver for Network Board

Specifies the name of the device driver for the network board. Valid values are the path and filename of a valid LAN driver. Maximum length is 127. The default is '' (Not Configured).

Cabling Topology

Specifies the interface between the device driver and IPX by indicating the cabling topology (Ethernet, FDDI, or Token Ring). Supported values include ETHERNET_DLPI, FDDI_DLPI, TOKEN-RING_DLPI. The default is 'ETHERNET_DLPI'.

Frame Type

Specifies the frame type. Supported values include ETHERNET_II, ETHERNET_802.2, ETHERNET_802.3, ETHERNET_SNAP, FDDI, FDDI_SNAP, TOKEN-RING, TOKEN-RING_SNAP. The default is ETHERNET_802.2 for Ethernet networks, FDDI for FDDI networks, TOKEN_RING for Token Ring networks.

Speed of Data Transfer Across Network

Specifies the speed, in kilobytes per second, that data is transferred across the network. The value of this parameter is used to calculate the number of ticks (1/18 second) for router packets. Supported values include 0 to 4294967294. The default is 10000.

IPX External Network Number for Network Board Cabling System

Specifies the IPX external network number for the cabling system to which the network board is attached. All IPX drivers linked to this cabling system must use the same network number for the cabling system and its frame type. Each frame type requires its own unique IPX external network number. You can enter values in hexadecimal (0xNNNNN), decimal (NNNNN) or octal (0NNNN). Values are always displayed in hexadecimal. This parameter must be specified. The default value (zero) signifies that the network is not configured. Supported values include any value from 0x1 to 0xFFFFFFFE that does not conflict with other assigned IPX network numbers (internal and external). The default is 0x0 (Not Configured).

Physical Point of Attachment

The use of this parameter is specific to the DLPI provider. The parameter specifies the physical point of attachment. Supported values include 0 to 65535. The default is 0.

Number of RIP Broadcast Intervals

This parameter specifies the number of RIP broadcast intervals that must elapse since the last broadcast packet was received before a network is considered down and removed from the Router Information table. Supported values include 1 to 256. The default is 4 (4 * 60 = 240 seconds).

Intervals between RIP Broadcasts

Specifies the number of intervals between RIP broadcasts (an interval is 30 seconds). Supported values include 1 and 65535. The default is 2 (60 seconds).

Milliseconds that the RIP Driver Waits

Specifies the number of milliseconds that the RIP driver waits between sending packets on a LAN. This parameter prevents receiving servers/routers from getting packets too quickly. This parameter is ignored if the network is a WAN (when the Minimize WAN RIP traffic parameter is set to Yes). Supported values include 0 to 500. The default is 55.

Maximum size of RIP Packets

Specifies the maximum size of RIP packets in bytes. Supported values include 40 to 4294967294. However, packets larger than the maximum supported packet size for the network type cannot be sent. The default is 432.

Amount of RIP Broadcast Information

Allows the administrator to minimize RIP traffic on a WAN, and indicates whether the RIP driver broadcasts only to indicate changes in router availability or if RIP broadcasts all information periodically. If set to "Yes", RIP will broadcast changes only (WAN). If set to "No", RIP will periodically broadcast all server information.

The default is "No".

Number of SAP Broadcast Intervals Before Server Down

Specifies the number of SAP broadcast intervals that must elapse since the last broadcast packet was received before a server is considered down and removed from the Server Information table. Supported values include 1 to 256. The default is 4 (4 * 60 = 240 seconds).

Number of Intervals between SAP Broadcasts

Specifies the number of intervals between SAP broadcasts (an interval is 30 seconds). Supported values include 1 to 65535. The default is 2 (60 seconds).

Milliseconds SAP daemon Waits between Sending Packets on LAN

Specifies the number of milliseconds that the SAP daemon waits between sending packets on a LAN. This prevents receiving servers/routers from getting packets too fast. (This parameter is ignored if the network is a WAN.) Supported values include 0 to 500. The default is 55.

Maximum size for SAP Packets

Specifies the maximum size in bytes for SAP packets. Supported values include 96 to 4294967294. The default is 480.

Send Responses to a Get Nearest Server Request?

Specifies whether responses are sent to a Get Nearest Server request.

The default is "Yes".

SAP Broadcasts Changes Only?

Allows the administrator to minimize SAP traffic on a WAN, and indicates whether the SAP daemon broadcasts all information periodically, or if SAP broadcasts only to indicate changes in available services. If set to "Yes", SAP will broadcast changes only (WAN). If set to "No", SAP will periodically broadcast all server information.

The default is "No".

Name Used for All IPX services on Network

Controls the name under which all IPX services (Install, NVT, NCP, ...) are advertised on the network. This name must be unique from other NetWare servers on the network. It may not contain spaces or punctuation marks. When an IPX service is advertised, alphabetic characters in the name are converted to uppercase. The server name is the same as the UNIX node name, until you change the server name. Length can be 2 to 47 characters. The default is '' (Not Configured).

NetWare Server Setup

Specifies options for changing system-wide variables pertinent to the NetWare Server. They control the configuration of NetWare Directory Services, volumes, hybrid users, time synchronization, and more.

NetWare UNIX Client (NUC) Setup Window

Specifies options for changing the system-wide settings for the NUC login environment.

Network Statistics

Specifies options for enabling or disabling various statistic-gathering programs related to network management. This information about your system is useful to the network administrator when network problems have been detected.

Print Server Setup

Specifies options for setting up the login environment for your NetWare print server.

Manage NetWare Volumes

Specifies options to manage NetWare volumes. You can do the following:

Bindery Services Configuration

Configures the NetWare server for bindery services.

Configure NetWare Variables

Configures system-wide variables for NetWare files and volumes.

Server Login and System Messages Display

Controls general server features, such as users who have permission to login and the location in which system messages are displayed.

NetWare Server Hybrid Features

Controls the hybrid features that the NetWare server enforces for NetWare users.

Password Encryption

Configures security features, such as password encryption and NCP packet signatures.

Manage AIX Resources for NetWare Services

Provides options for limiting or increasing the AIX resources available for NetWare services.

Time Synchronization

Controls time synchronization between the NetWare server and the network.

Period Allowed for Response to Watchdog Packets

Provides options for determining the length of time that workstations can remain unresponsive to watchdog packets before being logged out.

Hybrid Users

Determines whether all NetWare users must be hybrid users. Select "No" if NetWare users who do not have a mapping in the /etc/netware/nwusers file can use the nwuser account. Select "Yes" if all NetWare users must have a mapping before they can log in.

This parameter is used only when the Enable Hybrid Users parameter is set to "Yes". The default is "No".

Assume the UID and GID of Hybrid User?

Determines whether the NetWare processes assume the UID and GID of the hybrid user when processing an NCP request. Select "Yes" if AIX auditing accurately reflects the uid of the NetWare user accessing the file. Hybrid users will also be able to create files on NFS-mounted NetWare volumes when permitted by their AIX permissions.

The default is "No".

NetWare Directory Services Container for Bindery Services

Specifies the NetWare Directory Services container in which bindery services are provided. The context is set to the server's container when DS is installed. Set multiple contexts by separating contexts with semicolons. Maximum length is 256. The default is '' (Not Configured).

Maximum Number of Unique Files Open Simultaneously

Specifies the maximum number of unique files that can be opened simultaneously for all NetWare users. Because the NetWare server employs shared file descriptor technology, multiple opens of the same file by one or more NetWare users are counted as only one true open file. If this parameter is set to zero, then the formula ("Maximum Number of Connections" x 4) + 10 is used to calculate this value. Supported values include 0 to 49000. The default is 0.

Umask for Assigning AIX Permissions

Specifies the umask that is used to assign AIX permissions on files created by NetWare users. Supported values include octal 0000 through octal 0777. The default is 0002.

NetWare Byte Range Locks Reflected onto AIX File System?

Specifies whether NetWare byte range locks are reflected onto the AIX file system. When set to "Yes", any NetWare byte range lock within a file will be reflected as a AIX byte range lock on the entire file. When set to No, NetWare byte range locks will not be reflected on the AIX file system. Note that when set to "Yes", the AIX lock is an advisory lock and a AIX process may ignore the lock and proceed with the read or write of the file. When NetWare/AIX file sharing is required, AIX processes must yield to existing NetWare byte range locks. Performance is affected somewhat when this parameter is set to "Yes".

The default is "No".

File Access Mode for NetWare Users

Specifies the file access mode for NetWare users. This parameter is used only if the access control mode is not specified for the volume in the voltab file. The following modes are available:

netware   NetWare rights determine access
unix      AIX permissions determine access
both      Both NetWare rights and AIX permissions determine access 
none      No access control policy is enabled and files are accessible to all
          NetWare clients.
Supported values include netware, both, none. The default is netware.

Deleted File Entries in Directory before Purging

Specifies the number of deleted file entries that must exist within a directory before they are purged from the NetWare usinodes file. This value can be overridden on a volume-by-volume basis by specifying the parameter in the voltab file. Setting this parameter to a very small value (such as 1) will cause deleted file entries to be purged frequently. Setting this parameter to a very large value (such as 1000000) will cause deleted file entries to be purged only when the volume's usinodes file becomes full. Supported values include 1 to 4294967294. The default is 32.

Maximum Seconds between Directory Synchronization Operations

Determines the maximum length of time in seconds that can elapse between directory synchronization operations. This can be overridden on a volume-by-volume basis by specifying the parameter in the voltab file. If this value is smaller than "Minimum Wait between Directory Synchronization" for any volume, then the "Minimum Wait between Directory Synchronization" parameter is ignored, and synchronization will occur as specified by this value. Supported values include 0 to 3600. The default is 900.

Minimum Seconds between Directory Synchronization Operations

Specifies the minimum number of seconds that must elapse between directory synchronization operations upon directory access. The value can be overridden on a volume-by-volume basis by specifying the parameter in the voltab file. Supported values include 0 to 900. The default is 10.

NetWare Logins Allowed?

Specifies whether NetWare logins are allowed. When set to "Yes", NetWare users may log in. When set to "No", only ADMIN is allowed to log in.

The default is "Yes".

Server Validates Data Integrity of IPX Packets?

Determines whether the server validates the data integrity of IPX packets. Supported values include:

Disabled  0    Server will not check or generate checksums.
Enabled   1    Server will check and generate checksums 
               if requested, but does not require them.
Required  2    Server requires checksums.

The default is Enabled (1).

Device Receiving Server Messages

Specifies which device receives the server messages. The default allows you to view the file server messages from the desktop via Msg_Monitor. Maximum length is 127. The default is /dev/osm.

Does Server Generate Signatures for NCP packets?

Determines whether the server generates signatures for NCP packets. Supported values include:

Disabled   0      Server will not respond to signature requests.
Enabled    1      Server responds to signature requests, but does
                  not request them. 
Preferred  2      Server requests signatures, but does
                  not require them. 
Required   3      Server requires signatures.

The default is Enabled (1).

Passwords Must Be Encrypted?

Controls the use of unencrypted passwords. When set to "No", passwords must be encrypted, preventing clients that use clear text passwords from logging in.

The default is "No".

Rights of the Submitter During Servicing of Queue Job

Controls whether a Print or Job server may assume the rights of the submitter while servicing a queue job. When set to "Yes", the submitter's rights are allowed to be assumed.

The default is "Yes".

Number of NCP Engines Run When NetWare Server Starts

Specifies the number of NCP engines that run when the NetWare server starts. Increase the number if the nxinfo utility reports an excessive number of packets dropped due to server busy. Use the nwengine utility to change the number of engines after the server is up. Supported values include 2 to 50. The default is 2.

Maximum Number of NCP Engines to Run Simultaneously

Specifies the maximum number of NCP engines that can run simultaneously. Supported values include 5 to 50. The default is 10.

Size of the Shared Memory Segment

Specifies the size of the shared memory segment in bytes. This value should be increased as connections, trustee assignments, and record locks increase. Supported values include 4194304 (4MB) to the maximum virtual memory available on your system. The default is 4194304.

Maximum Size of Error Log File SYS$LOG.ERR

Specifies the maximum size in bytes of the error log file SYS$LOG.ERR. When the maximum size is reached, the error log file is copied to a backup file, and the error log file is started over. At any given time, only one backup file will be kept. Supported values include 65536 bytes to 4294967294. The default is 1048576.

Can NetWare Clients Use Packet Burst Protocol?

Determines whether NetWare clients can use the Packet Burst protocol. The Packet Burst protocol reduces traffic by allowing a burst of packets to be acknowledged with one packet (rather than acknowledging each packet.) When set to "Yes", Packet Burst is enabled. Use the "Maximum Number of Packet Burst Clients" parameter to specify how many clients can use the protocol.

The default is "Yes".

Size of the Packet Burst Buffer

Specifies the size in bytes of the Packet Burst buffer which in turn determines the maximum size burst the server can handle. Each client using the Packet Burst protocol receives a buffer of this size to store Packet Burst data. Changing the parameter may require a change in the size of shared memory. Supported values include 3072 to 65535. The default is 24576.

Enable NetWare UNIX Client Services

This parameter, when set to on, enables NetWare UNIX Client Services. When set to off, NetWare UNIX Client Services are disabled. Supported values include on and off. The default is on.

Allow NetWare Unix Client Users Access Without Explicit Authentication?

When set, this parameter allows NetWare Unix Client users to access NetWare servers from AIX without explicit authentication to the server. This works only when the password is identical on AIX and on the NetWare server. This parameter enables this feature for the entire system. The NetWare Access utility allows an individual user to control this feature. You should note that there is no automatic synchronization of passwords between AIX and NetWare. Supported values include on and off. The default is off.

Users Access to NetWare Servers

Controls how users access NetWare servers. When set to "on", the authentication panel is displayed wherever necessary. When set to "off", users must use the nwlogin command to access NetWare servers. For security reasons, a value of "off" also prevents the authentication panel from being displayed on a remote system. The default is "off".

Checksums Negotiation

Determines how IPX checksums are negotiated by the NetWare Unix Client with the NetWare server. You can specify one of the following values:

The default is 1.

NCP Signatures Negotiation

Determines how NCP signatures are negotiated by the NetWare Unix Client with the NetWare server. You can specify one of the following values:

The default is 1.

NetWare for Unix management Daemon Started?

Specifies whether the NetWare for Unix management daemon (peer) is started. This parameter is ignored if the NetWare for Unix server is not active. If you select "Yes", the network management daemon is started and network management services are available on the NetWare for Unix server. If you select "No", network management services are not available on the server. The default is "No".

IPX Protocol Stack Network Management Daemon Started?

Specifies whether the IPX protocol stack network management daemon (peer) is started. This parameter is ignored if the IPX protocol stack is not active. If you select "Yes", the configured value for the daemon name is obtained and the daemon is started. If you select "No", the daemon is not started. The default is "No".

Frequency of Check for Error Conditions

Specifies, in seconds, how often the NetWare for Unix network management daemon (peer) checks for error conditions. You can select a value between 0 and 300. The default is 5.

Name of Print Server Object

The name of the print server object defined in either the bindery database or in NetWare Directory Services. If you do not specify a name, the name of the local NetWare server will be used to form a print server object name. The default is ''.

Name of NetWare Server for Initial Attachment

The name of the NetWare server that the PSERVER daemon will try to use for its initial attachment. If you do not specify a server, the PSERVER daemon will try to use the local NetWare server for its initial attachment. The default is ''.

Initial Context Used for Directory Services Authentication

The initial context that is used for Directory Services authentication. If you do not specify a context, the PSERVER daemon cannot authenticate as a Directory Services object and must run in bindery mode. The default is ''.

Name of NetWare Directory Services Tree for Initial Authentication

The name of the NetWare Directory Services tree that the PSERVER daemon should use when attempting the initial authentication. If you do not specify a tree, the PSERVER daemon cannot authenticate as a Directory Services object and must run in bindery mode. The default is ''.

Server Time Synchronization

Determines how the server synchronizes time and is initially set during NDS installation. By default, time synchronization occurs within an NDS tree (see the "Directory Tree Mode" parameter). Supported types include:

Single: Single reference servers are typically used for smaller LANs and serve as the sole time source. All other servers in the tree should be secondary servers.

Reference: Reference servers are typically used for larger LANs and serve as a time source to primary and secondary servers. If using more than one reference server, an external time source should synchronize them.

Primary: Primary servers are typically used with a reference server or other primary servers. They synchronize the time with at least one other primary or reference server, and provide time to secondary servers.

Secondary: Secondary servers obtain the time from a single reference, reference, or primary time server.

The default is ''.

Does Time Source Advertise?

Determines if a time source advertises. If you select "Yes", single reference, reference, and primary time sources advertise. You should select "No" if you specified servers in the "Time Sources" parameter. Secondary time servers do not advertise. The default is "Yes".

Server Synchronization

Controls whether the server synchronizes only with servers in its NDS tree or with all servers on the network. This parameter has no effect if the "Use Only Configured Sources" parameter is set to "Yes". When the "Use Only Configured Sources" parameter is set to "No", this parameter works as follows:

When set to "Yes", the server synchronizes only with servers in its tree. When set to "No", the server attempts to synchronize with any time source on the network. With this configuration, make sure only valid time sources are advertising.

The default is "Yes".

Time Source Servers

Lists one or more time source servers. Server names are separated by spaces and are polled in the order listed. The server needs to poll successfully only one time source. Other time sources configured after it in the list are not contacted. The default is '' (Not Configured).

Server Relies Exclusively on Servers Listed?

Determines whether the server relies exclusively on the servers listed in the "Time Sources" parameter. When set to "Yes", the server relies exclusively on the list and ignores any advertising time sources. When set to "No", the server attempts to contact a listed time source. If the server is unable to contact a time source, or if the list is empty, the server attempts to contact any advertising time source. The server must contact only one time source. The default is "No".

Number of Time Packets to Exchange When Polling

Specifies how many time packets to exchange when polling. Increasing this number adds unnecessary traffic to the network. Supported values include 1 to 1000. The default is 3.

Frequency that Server Checks for Time Synchronization with Network

Determines how often the server checks if it is still time synchronized with the network. All servers in the same NDS tree should use the same value. The interval is specified in seconds, and the maximum setting is 31 days.

Supported values include 0 to 2678400. The default is 600.

Time Synchronization Polling Interval

When a server discovers it is not synchronized with network time, it starts time synchronization polling at the interval specified by this parameter. The default is 10 seconds. After the server is synchronized, the polling interval increases until the server is using the value specified by the "Polling Interval" parameter.

Supported values include 0 to 600. The default is 10.

Maximum Time Difference Between Server and Network for Synchronization

Controls the maximum time difference, in milliseconds, that a server can differ from network time and still be considered synchronized. Increase this parameter to allow a larger time difference between servers. Lowering the synchronization radius increases the chance of servers losing synchronization due to randomness between clocks.

Setting the synchronization radius under 2000 milliseconds (2 seconds) is not recommended unless you are using an application that does not tolerate a 2000 millisecond deviation between time sources.

Supported values include 0 to 2147483647. The default is 2000.

Minimum Clock Adjustment by Server

Controls how closely servers attempt to synchronize their clocks (in milliseconds). Adjustments smaller than this value are ignored. Be sure that the value of this parameter does not exceed the "Synchronization Radius" parameter or synchronization may not be achieved.

Supported values include 0 to 16777215. The default is 1.

Size, Date, and Time of Single Time Adjustment

Determines the size, date, and time of a single time adjustment. The format is [+ or -] (hour):(minute):(second) [at (month)/(day)/(year)(hour):(minute):(second) [AM or PM]]. If you do not specify a date and time, they default to 6 polling intervals or one hour from the current time, whichever is longer. All time sources synchronizing together adjust their clocks by the specified time at the specified date and time.

Use this parameter sparingly to correct time errors across the network. Not using this parameter correctly can corrupt time synchronization and the order of events on your network. You cannot use this parameter on a secondary time server. A reference time server ignores the adjustments from primary time servers.

Maximum length is 99. The default is '' (Not Configured).

Message to Server When Watchdog Logs Out?

Controls whether a message is sent to the server display device when the watchdog logs out a connection. When set to "Yes", messages are sent. The default is "No".

Number of Watchdog Packets Sent to a Workstation

The number of watchdog packets that the server sends to a workstation before logging the client out. Any packet from the client resets the count. You can specify a value from 5 to 100. The default is 10.

Log Entries Created if Client Logged Out by Watchdog?

Controls whether log entries are created whenever a client is logged out by the watchdog. When set to "Yes", a log entry is made in the SYS$LOG.ERR error log file whenever this event occurs. The default is "Yes".

Seconds Before Sending First Watchdog Packet

Determines the number of seconds the server waits without receiving a request from a workstation before sending the first watchdog packet to that workstation. You can specify a value between 16 and 1252. The default is 296.

Seconds Between Watchdog Packets

Determines the number of seconds between watchdog packets. A watchdog packet is sent only if no packets are received from the client in the specified interval. You can specify a value between 10 to 626. The default is 60.

Configured Volumes

Lists all configured volumes.

Add Volumes

Adds another volume.

Change/Show Parameters of Volume

Changes or shows the parameters of an existing volume.

Delete Volume

Removes an existing volume.


The Optimize option compresses inodes on the selected NetWare volume that may have become fragmented.


Checks and repairs, if necessary, the file systems on the selected NetWare volume.

Server Settings

Settings on the Server side.

Client Settings

Settings on the Client side.

Netware Service

Netware is the service that supports management and sharing of resources such as databases, files, printers, and so on in a local area network among different type of computers.

Initialize, Start, Configure Netware Server

Use this window to initialize and start the Netware Server, and then configure the network directory services.

Initialize Netware Server

Initializes the Netware Server.

Start Netware Server

Starts the Netware Server.

Stop Netware Server

Stops the Netware Server.

Query Netware Server Status

Queries the status of the Netware Server.

Specify When to Do Requested Action

Specify when the system should perform the requested action:

now - Makes requested changes immediately, but makes no permanent changes to the system.

restart - Makes necessary changes to the system so changes occur on the next system restart.

both - Combines system restart and now options to make changes requested occur immediately and for every subsequent system restart.

Local Area Network on Netware Server

Defines and adds a local area network on your Netware Server.

Display and Change Parameters of Local Area Network

Displays the parameters of an existing local area network so that you can change them.

Deletes Local Area Network from Netware Server

Deletes an existing local area network from your Netware Server.

Start Print Server

Starts the print server.

Stops Print Server

Stops the print server.

Specify Mount Point

Specifies the mount point, which is the directory where the file system is available or will be made available.

Specify Netware Volume Name

Specifies the name of the Netware volume.

Read-only Permission for Volume

Specify whether the volume should be read-only.

CD-ROM Volume

Specifies whether the volume should be a CD-ROM.

Volume Synchronizes When Mounted?

Specifies whether the volume synchronizes when it is mounted.

Maximum Number of Files

Specifies the maximum number of files allowed in the NetWare file system.

Client Types Volume Supports

Specifies the client types the volume will support. DOS and UNIX name spaces are always supported.

Control Directory

Specifies the path to the control directory that contains a NetWare usinodes file to store NetWare and client-specific information. The control directory also contains a per-volume database to store NetWare trustee assignments.

NDS Tree Name Used by Print Server

Specify the name of the NDS tree that the print server uses when attempting initial authentication. If you do not configure a preferred tree, the preferred server is used for authentication. The default is Not Configured.

NCP Packets Signature Levels

Determines the signature levels for NCP packets. Valid values are Disabled, Enabled, Preferred, and Required.

Client Validation of IPX Data Integrity

Specifies whether the client validates the data integrity of IPX packets.

Supported values include:

Disabled (0): Client will not check or generate checksums.

Enabled (1): Client will check and generate checksums if requested, but does not require them.

Required (2): Client requires checksums.

Server for Login

Specifies the server to which you attach when you log in. The default or preferred server is specified in your NET.CFG file.


Specifies a portion of a directory tree path that forms a distinguished name when combined with a relative distinguished name. The context is a reference point or an object from which all other objects are referenced.

Directory Services

Use this window to manage/configure the Directory Services. Directory Services is a global naming service that logically connects resources in a network.

Configure Pservers

Configures the Pservers.

Configure Nprinters

Configures the Nprinters.

List All Pservers

Lists all existing Pservers.

Change Setting of Pserver

Changes the setting of an existing Pserver.

Removes Pserver

Removes an existing Pserver.

Nprinter Daemon Configuration

Sets or changes the configuration of Nprinter daemon.

Configure local Nprinter

Configures local Nprinters.

Configure Remote Nprinter

Configures remote Nprinters.

Lists Local Nprinters

Lists all local Nprinters.

Add Local Nprinter

Adds a new local Nprinter.

Display/Change Local Nprinter Setting

Displays or changes the setting of an existing local Nprinter.

Remove Local Nprinter

Removes an existing local Nprinter.

Lists Remote Nprinters

Lists all remote Nprinters.

Add Remote Nprinter

Adds a new remote Nprinter.

Remote Nprinter Setting

Displays or changes the setting of an existing remote Nprinter.

Remove Remote Nprinter

Removes an existing remote Nprinter.

Printer Name

Uniquely specifies the name of the printer.

Printer Number

Specifies the printer number.

Host Printer Queue for Print Jobs

Specifies the name assigned to the host printer queue to which print jobs are spooled.

Printer Priority Level

Assigns a priority level to the printer.

Printer or Queue Description

Uniquely describes the printer or queue. The name can be up to 20 characters long.

Host Printer Queue for Nprinter Daemon Use

Specifies the name assigned to the host printer queue to which you want the Nprinter daemon to spool print jobs.

Print Server

Identifies the print server to which the Nprinter daemon attaches the printer.

Print Server Slot Number

Identifies the print server slot number that the printer uses. The slot number must be 0 to 15.

Host Printer Queue for Nprinter Daemon Use

Indirectly identifies the host printer queue that the Nprinter daemon should use for this printer.

Maximum Wait for Receiving Packets

Specifies the maximum time Nprinter daemon waits to receive packets before proceeding to other processes.

Maximum Wait for Status Check on Printer

Specifies the basic interval that the Nprinter daemon waits between doing status checks on all printers. The Nprinter daemon adds this parameter value to the last time it did a status check to determine the time for next status check.

Threshold Value for Print Job End

Sets the threshold value for determining when a job ends if the printer does not immediately receive another job. This value is multiplied by the status_check_interval parameter to get the actual time.

Status Check on Idle Printer

Sets the threshold value for determining when the Nprinter daemon does a status check on an idle printer and then notifies the print server if the status has changed. This value is multiplied by the status_check_interval parameter to get the actual time.

Prevent Rapid Error Message Scroll

Prevents scrolling of error messages in rapid succession. The first occurrence of a message is always displayed. This parameter sets the maximum number of times the Nprinter daemon skips displaying the second or subsequent occurrence of an error message for a printer while the printer is in a given state.

Prevent Rapid Warning Message Scroll

Prevents scrolling of warning messages in rapid succession. The first occurrence of a message is always displayed. This parameter sets the maximum number of times the Nprinter daemon skips displaying the second or subsequent occurrence of a warning message for a printer while the printer is in a specific state.

Start Netware Server Now?

Specify whether you want to start the Netware Server now.

Display/Change the Maximum Number of Licensed Clients

Displays or changes the maximum number of licensed clients that can run on this server.

Maximum Number of Licensed Clients

Specifies the maximum number of licensed clients on the system.

Configure NetWare/IP

Use this window to configure NetWare/IP.

Required NWIP Domain Name

Specify the required NWIP domain name, for example, "". Be sure that the domain you enter can be resolved by the DNS servers in /etc/resolv.conf file.

DB Sync Interval

Specify the DB Sync interval, the rate at which DSS will be contacted for change in SAP/RIP info. A higher value indicates less overhead. This field is optional, and the minimum value is 120 sec.


Specifies the SAP DB Size, which the SAP daemon uses to create the SAP shared memory. System-shared memory will be used for this purpose. The default is 3000, but it can be changed according to the local SAP database size.

This field is optional.

Preferred DSS List

Specify the preferred DSS list, which is optional. For example, you can specify or

Nearest Server List

Specify the nearest server list, which is optional. For example, you can specify

NSQ Broadcast Parameter

Set the NSQ Broadcast parameter to off or on.

IPX Auto Discovery

Set IPX Auto Discovery to off if the system is configured for NWIP only.

Pserver name context

Specifies the fully qualified Pserver name context. An example is OU=aa.O=cc

Pserver login password

Specifies the Pserver login password.