SMIT Help Information for PC Services

Note: The information contained in this article is structured as help information for the System Management Interface Tool (SMIT) and is not intended for use as a procedural or conceptual article.

The Fast Connect server allows the sharing of files and printers in a local area network among RS/6000 and Personal Computers.

Starts the Fast Connect server. Starting the Fast Connect server allows users to access the resources (shares) defined to the server.

Stops the Fast Connect server. Stopping the Fast Connect server disables the resources (shares) defined to the server.

Configuration services for the Fast Connect server. This option takes you to a menu that allows you to further configure and modify the Fast Connect server.

Administration services for the Fast Connect server. This option displays a menu that allows you to start and stop the Fast Connect server, check server status, and manage server resources and statistics.

A share can either be a File System or a Printer Queue. A share can be made available (exported) for Fast Connect server clients to use as a file server, application server or printer.

Select this option to manage general server features.

Determines how many internal resources the Fast Connect server uses. Internal resources are maximum users, disconnects, connections, and file opens.

Select this option to create new Fast Connect user accounts or modify existing user accounts on computers.

Allows you to add, delete, back up, restore, and list the NetBIOS Names entries that the WINS server keeps in its table.

The name of the server. When the Fast Connect Server software is installed, a default server configuration is created. The name of the Fast Connect server defaults to the TCP/IP hostname of the machine. Use this field to change the server name.

Starts the Fast Connect server. This enables clients to access all of the resources (shares) that the server has defined.

Specify the name of the domain to which this server belongs. The Domain Name is the name assigned to a group of servers that interoperate to provide resources as a single unit.

Specify the full IP address of the machine that acts as the Windows Internet Name Service (WINS) server. The WINS server provides a NetBIOS name service in which the server keeps a table of names on the subnetwork and their IP addresses.

The internet address uses dotted decimal form, such as d.d.d.d, where "d" is a decimal value from 0 to 255, inclusive.

Select whether the server should accept client passwords in encrypted form. The default is to not select this option. If you want to use encrypted passwords, select one of the following encryption types:

Force encryption - The server refuses connections for clients that do not use encrypted passwords.

Negotiate encryption - The protocol negotiation determines the password encryption. The server attempts to negotiate the encrypted password with the clients. The client may not respond with an encrypted password. If encryption is enabled, this encryption type is the default.

The Backup WINS Address is the IP address of the WINS server that is used when the primary WINS server is not available. Specify the internet address in the following format: d.d.d.d, where "d" is a decimal value from 0 to 244, inclusive. This field is optional.

The WINS proxy server allows clients without WINS capability to work with a WINS server. The WINS proxy server interoperates with non-WINS clients using Broadcast Node protocol and communicates with the WINS server on their behalf. This field is optional.

Prevents client passwords from being accepted in encrypted form in the session set up with the server.

Specify the maximum number of users that the server allows to be logged on at one time. The default value is 0 (unlimited).

Timeout value for inactive, unused sessions (in minutes). The server automatically disconnects a session that has been inactive for this many minutes.

Specify the maximum number of simultaneous connections to server resources allowed by the server. The default value is 0 (unlimited).

Type the maximum number of files the Fast Connect server can open. The default value is 0 (unlimited).

Specify the maximum number of concurrent directory searches allowed on the server. The default value is 0 (unlimited).

Displays a list of all the users configured to use this system.

Opens a dialog where you can provide the information required to create and add a new user account.

Specify the name of the existing user name for whom you are creating this account.

Assigns a password for the user account you are adding.

Activates or deactivates this user account. If the account is not active, the user cannot access the server. The default is "Yes".

Provide any useful information about the user account you are adding. You can enter a maximum of 48 alphanumeric characters.

Select this option to make changes to an existing Fast Connect user account.

Select this option to change the current password of an existing Fast Connect user account.

Select this option to remove an existing Fast Connect user account.

Lists the NetBIOS Names entries that the WINS server keeps in its table. Configuring the names is optional.

Names added to the table are considered static names and are not required to be refreshed. Client machines cannot delete the names. They must be deleted using the SMIT delete name option.

Adds a NetBIOS name to the WINS name table.

Deletes the specified NetBIOS name and IP address.

Displays the current status of the Fast Connect server. The status is either running or stopped.

Displays Fast Connect server resources and statistics.

Specify when to start the Fast Connect server. This enables clients to access all of the resources (shares) that the server has defined.

Displays a list of all the shared servers defined for this Fast Connect server.

A file system (shared volumes) is a directory path that can be made available as a share (export) for Fast Connect clients to use.

Printer shares are printer queues that can be made available as a share (export) for Fast Connect clients to use.

Displays a list of all the shared file systems defined for this Fast Connect server.

Add new File Systems (Shared Volumes) to the Fast Connect server configuration.

Changes the File System in the Fast Connect configuration file.

Removes the File Systems from the Fast Connect configuration file, which makes the file system no longer available to the clients.

Specify the logical name that the Fast Connect server will assign to the shared file system resource.

Specify the full, absolute path of the shared file system. For example: /home/username/code.

Enter a brief description for this shared file system. The description is associated with the file share and can be displayed. This field is optional.

Lists the Share (network) Names available for removal.

Displays a list of Share (network) Names that you can select to remove.

Adds a printer to the Fast Connect configuration. Once the Fast Connect server is started, the printer is accessible to clients.

Changes the printer configuration information.

Removes the printer configuration information. This makes the printer no longer available to the clients.

Specify the logical name that the Fast Connect server will assign to the shared printer resource.

Specify the printer queue name of the printer queue to be shared. The queue must already be defined on the system. This queue can be associated with either a local or remote printer.

Provide a brief description for this shared printer. The description is associated with the printer and can be displayed. This field is optional.

This is a string of options passed unmodified to the "enq" command. This field is optional.

Specify your password. A password is a string of text that is authenticated with a user id to determine that the user has permission to use the shared resource.

Specify the same password you typed in the original password field again. This is for confirmation.

Select this option to mount or unmount a remote server share on an SMB or a CIFS server to a local file system.

Select this option to mount a remote server share on an SMB or a CIFS server to a local file system. Share information will be added to the /etc/filesystems file.

Select this option to unmount a remote server share on an SMB or a CIFS server to a local file system.

Type the name of a user on the remote system who has access to the share.

This field is required.

Type the password for the user on the remote system specified in the User Name field. The password in this field is visible. If you want to keep the password hidden, you can leave this field blank. Before the operation is completed, you will be prompted for this password. At the prompt, the password will remain hidden.

Type the name of the share on the remote system. This will be the name of a directory on the remote server.

This field is required.

Type the name of the remote server whose share you want to mount.

This field is required.

Specify whether you want the file system to be mounted as read-only or not. This option overrides any previously specified read or write access.

Specify the access you want other users to have to all of the files and directories under the mount directory. The access you specify here does not override the access granted to the user on the remote server.

For example, a mode of 755 grants rwxr-xr-x access to all files and directories. In this case, the root user has read, write and execute access, and all other users and groups have read and execute access. However, if the user does not have read access granted on the remote server, any read attempts will fail.

Specify the directory you want to mount the file system over. This directory becomes the root directory of the mounted file system.

This field is required.

Specify the ID of the user you want to become the owner of all files and directories under the mount directory.

Specify the ID of the group you want to become the owner of all files and directories under the mount directory.

Specify the name of the file system you want to unmount. If you unmount the wrong file system, you can remount it with the same procedure you would use to mount any other file system.

This field is required.



Displays any server alias names that are defined for this server. This server provides HACMP support.

Uses the NetBIOS datagram distribution service to provide support to the network environment for broadcasting and multicasting over an Internet. Multicasting allows a group of nodes in a network to receive and respond to the same message.

Allows this server to become the domain master browser or master browser for a work group and to propagate its file and printing services to other domains or work groups. If network logon support is on, the server is forced to become a browse master even when this option is not selected.

Provides support for running more than one user session from a single workstation at the same time.



Determines whether the network logon server for client PCs is enabled.

Determines whether client passwords can be accepted in encrypted form in the session set up with the server.

Select the check box to make this option available. Clear the check box to make it unavailable. Default: Clear


Allows the server to map long names such as those used on PCs to short names such as those used on host systems. For example, an existing 25-character name can be shortened to an 8-character name. Multiple names can also be mapped to one user name.

Determines whether to allow guest logon support.

If guest logon support is allowed, specify the logon ID.

Activates shared level security on this server. Share level security restricts access to shared resources. Access controls are at the share level only.

The user login that all users must specify to be able to connect to this server. The administrator creates this login ID.

The IP address of the Passthrough Authentication Server. The Fast Connect server forwards the session setup requests to the Passthrough Authentication Server for authentication. If the client is successfully authenticated, it is granted access to the Passthrough Authentication Server. Information in this field is optional.

Note: Do not confuse this with the domain name.

The NetBIOS name of the backup passthrough authentication server. The Backup Passthrough Authentication Server is used when the primary Passthrough Authentication Server is not available. Information in this field is optional.

Allows the server to authenticate all PC client logins and file accesses with DCE and DFS.

If you use this option, you cannot use the following other options:

Allows the Fast Connect server to store and retrieve user information from the DCE registry. This database uses the Extended Registry Attribute Field to maintain encrypted passwords and user descriptions for each user. If you select this option, you must specify the DCE registry administrator account and the keytab file for DCE-Registry access.

The user name that can read and write to the DCE registry. You can specify this information in alphanumeric characters.

The full path name name to the keytab file. This file contains the DCE user name and password of the administrator account that has the authority to read and write data to the Extended Registry Attribute fields of every DCE user who is also a Fast Connect user. You can specify this information in alphanumeric characters.

Enables the Fast Connect server to use Kerberos for authentication. This allows other Fast Connect clients to use other authentication methods, such as plain text passwords or encrypted passwords, to connect to the Fast Connect server and access its file and print shares. If you select this option, you must specify the name of the Kerberos service.

If you use this option, you cannot use the following other options:

The name of the Kerberos service used by Fast Connect to authenticate users using the Kerberos mechanism. The Service Name of the Kerberos Domain Controller (KDC) to which Fast Connect authenticates Kerberos users when the Kerberos security feature is enabled.

Enables the Fast Connect server to use LDAP to authenticate users. This allows a cluster of hosts centralized security authentication and access to user and group information. This keeps authentication, user, and group information common across the cluster. If you select this option, you must specify the name of the LDAP service.

If you use this option, you cannot use the following other options:

The name of the LDAP server that the Fast Connect server will use to authenticate users for LDAP authentication. You can specify this information in alphanumeric characters.

The Distinguished Name that is used by Fast Connect to specify where user names are located in the LDAP directory. You can specify this information in alphanumeric characters.

The LDAP administrative user name used by Fast Connect to query and update the LDAP user database. You can specify this information in alphanumeric characters.

The keytab file used for LDAP access. You can specify this information in alphanumeric characters.

Determines whether the network logon server for client PCs is enabled.

Specifies how user profiles are accessed. Select one of the following choices: no path, local path, UNC path. The default is "local path".

The operating system path name for the PROFILES share that the network logon option uses to store user profiles and home directories. For example, "/profiles_path". You can specify up to 1023 characters. The default is "/home".

The operating system path name for the NETLOGON and IBMLAN$ shares to store user startup scripts and policy files. For example, "/netlogon_path". You can specify up to 1023 characters. The default is "/var/cifs/netlogon".

The file name location of the client startup script.

Allows users to remotely change client passwords.

Updates a user's system password after a successful remote password change occurs to synchronize the system password with the client password.

The maximum number of file and print shares that can be defined. You can specify a value from 1 through 4096. The default value is 50.

Allows clients to access a file and prevent other users from accessing it until the client is finished with the file. This preserves file integrity.

Allows the server to cache search requests performed on all file shares.

Allows the Send File API to be used, which provides the quick transfer of sent files.

Specify an octal value from 0 through 0777. You must use an octal value and the first value must always be 0. The default value is 022.

Preserves mix-case filenames when new files or directories are created.

Allows ACLs from the share root directory to be inherited.

Allows NT ACLs to be inherited.

Maps archive, system, and hidden attributes to user, group, and other execute bits, respectively.

Maps long file names to DOS File Names (DFN). If you select this option, you must specify a mapping character to use in the short name. This resolves name conflicts and ensures that the file name remains unique.

Specify the character to map long filenames to DOS 8.3. The default character is ~.

Allows Fast Connect read and write operations to use memory-mapped files.

Specify the Unicode conversion string to enable support of double-byte characters. For example:

0x20152014 0xFF5E301C 0x22252016 0xFF0D2212 0xFFE400A6

Each grouping in the above string represents a single character conversion. Each is a 10-byte hexadecimal number, 0x plus 8 hex digits. Separate the hexadecimal numbers with spaces or tabs only.

Allows the Fast Connect server to support MS-DFS services. This provides access to DFS for Windows clients.

Removes the selected user name from the etc/cifs/cifsPasswd file.

Enables Fast Connect to dynamically create new users and groups based on information obtained from the passthrough authentication server.

Enables dynamic user creation. The default is "disable". The new user name is in the format "usrXXXXX". "usr" is the default user prefix that will be used. "XXXXX" is an unique identification number (such as UID) generated for every new user that is created.

A string of three characters prepended to the name of the user that is being dynamically created. You can specify lowercase and uppercase alphabet characters only. The default is "usr".

A string of three characters prepended to the name of the group htat is being dynamically created. You can specify lowercase and uppercase alphabet characters only. The default is "grp". The new group name is in the format "grpXXXXX". "gr" is the default prefix that will be used. "XXXXX" is a unique identification number (such as GID) generated for every new group that is created.








Lists all the files that users have open and from which shares they are being accessed. The "File Name" is the full path name. Permissions are the standard read and write permissions. "Locks" indicates whether the file is locked by a user, which prevents another user from accessing it. A "0" means that there are no locks on the file and that it can be accessed. Any other number indicates how many users are waiting to access the file.

Displays a list of shares that users have specified on their workstation as a shared path. The "Name" column displays the share to which a user has mapped, for example, a shared drive on a workstation. "Path Name" is the full path to the share on the server to which both the workstation and host can connect. "Connections" displays the number of users using this share. If you delete a share, the connection is also deleted.

Closes the selected file or files.

Closes all open files in the selected share and deletes the share mapping.

Closes the selected user session.








Enables server-side IP pooling. If enabled, IP Pools must be created from the IP Poll menu and poolnames must be defined from the Configure Client menu for the clients that want to use the IP pool. Default is OFF.

This is a menu with the following options:

This information is stored in the etc/radius/ippool_def file, which contains sensitive security information, and therefore precautions should be taken to secure access to this file.

Displays a list of the IP Pools that are already configured for the RADIUS server.

Creates an IP Pool. Can only be used when the RADIUS server daemons are not running.

Displays characteristics of an existing IP Pool, all of which can be edited. Can only be used when the RADIUS server daemons are not running. Any changes made to an IP Pool results in the recreation of the existing file with the new definition.

Removes an IP pool from the list of IP pools used by the RADIUS server. After removing an IP pool, check to see if any RADIUS clients were using it, and if so, remove the reference by using Change/Show characteristics of a Client to remove the appropriate poolname. Can only be used when the RADIUS server daemons are not running.

Clears out the reference for the given NAS from the files by blanking out all references to the given NAS and by changing the IN USE entries to 0. Can only be used when the RADIUS server daemons are not running.

Clears out all the files used by the RADIUS server. All the NAS-IP and NAS-Port entries are cleared and the IN USE entries are set to 0 for all the IP addresses in all the IP pools. Can only be used when the RADIUS server daemons are not running.

Determines if a user's login restrictions are checked when the RAIDUS server is using local UNIX authentication. If this option is enabled, login restrictions are checked in addition to password authentication and expiration, otheriwse, only password authentication and expiration are checked.

Displays the path and file name of the local RADIUS accounting data file. Only used if the Local_Accounting flag is enabled, in which case all RADIUS START_ACCOUNTING and STOP_ACCOUNTING packets are written to the file. Please make sure there is adequate file system space. The default file is /var/radius/data/accounting. If the default file location is changed, then the path and file need to be created with permissions that match /var/radius/data/accounting.

Specifies the domain that should be used to authenticate the user during mount. If this option is not used, authentication will be handled locally by the CIFS server.

Type 'Filesystems' if you want the entry to be added to the /etc/filesystems file, but not be mounted. Type 'Now' if you want the CIFS share mounted with the options specified, but you do not want the /etc/filesystems file modified. Type 'Both', the default option, if you want the entry to be added to the /etc/filesystems and you want it mounted.

Specifies whether or not the CIFS filesystem should be automatically mounted at system restart. The default value is 'no'.

Specifies the mount type that will be added to the /etc/filesystems file, to allow for mounting all filesystems of a given type. By default, the field is empty, meaning no mount type will be added to the /etc/filesystems file.

Unmounts a remote server share on an SMB or a CIFS server to a local file system and removes share information from the /etc/filesystems file.

Changes the mount options of a CIFS file system.

Lists CIFS file systems.

Configures the user credentials for a CIFS file system.

Adds user credentials for a CIFS file system.

Changes the password of an existing user for a CIFS file system.

Removes user credentials and deletes them for the given server name.

Lists server names and the existing user names for those servers.

Type the path name of the mount point you want to unmount or remove from the /etc/filesystems file.

Type the path name of the mount point for which you want to change the mount options.