SMIT Help Information for Information For Operation Retrieval/License System (iFOR/LS)

Software License Management

Manage Nodelocked Licenses

This menu is used to manage node-locked licenses on your system. A node-locked license is a license that is specific to a particular machine (or node).

The /usr/lib/netls/conf/nodelock file contains a list of nodelocked licenses for this machine (or node).

The following options are available:

Add a Nodelocked License from a File

Enter the full path name of the file that contains the new nodelock license that you want to add. It will be appended to the /usr/lib/netls/conf/nodelock file.

FILE Containing the Nodelocked License

Specifies the name of the file that holds the new nodelocked license information that you want to add to the nodelocked license file.

Add a Nodelocked License from the Keyboard

Enter the nodelocked license string and an appropriate comment. The nodelocked license string must be entered exactly as received. If possible, obtain this string in written form.

Nodelocked LICENSE

Specifies the nodelocked license that you want to add. This information is obtained from a software vendor and will allow you to use products on specific nodes.

Nodelocked License COMMENT

Specifies any comments to be added to the nodelocked license file concerning the nodelocked license that you are adding. These comments will be added directly above the new nodelocked license and will be preceded by a pound sign (#). It is recommended that license comments include the vendor name, product name, license start date, and license expiration date.

Show Nodelocked Licenses

This is a list of the nodelocked licenses currently installed on your system.

Delete a Nodelocked License

You can delete a nodelocked license by selecting it from the list. It will be removed from your the nodelock file. Applications that depend on the deleted license may no longer work without a valid license.


Specifies the nodelocked license that you want to delete from the nodelock file, /usr/lib/netls/conf/nodelock. The license will be preceded by a pound sign (#) to signify that it has been deleted. To make the license usable again, you will have to edit the nodelocked license file and remove the pound sign.

Manage License Servers and License Databases

This is the menu from which license servers are managed. Choose one of the following areas in which to perform management tasks:

Show Server Characteristics

Specifies the name of a server you want information on. (all lists information on all iFOR/LS servers). The server's address type, address, port number, target type, and target ID are returned.


Specifies the license servers available in your cell. The default is to show information about all available license servers.

Manage Concurrent-Use and Use-Once Licenses

This is the main menu for managing concurrent-use and use-once licenses. The following choices are available from this menu:

Add New Licenses and New Vendor Information - Allows you to add a new vendor and accompanying concurrent-use and use-once licenses in a single operation.

Add New Licenses for a Previously Added Vendor - Allows you to add additional concurrent-use and use-once licenses for an existing vendor.

Show License Information By Server - Displays the number, types, start date, and expiration date of installed licenses.

Show Concurrent-Use and Use-Once Licenses - Shows concurrent-use and use-once license information for the specified vendor, product, and version.

Delete Licenses - Allows you to delete concurrent-use or one-use licenses from the license server that you specify.

Add New Licenses and New Vendor Information

Use this screen to add a vendor and accompanying concurrent-use and use-once license in one step. Enter the appropriate information in the Server Name, Vendor Name, Vendor ID, Vendor Password, Product Name, Version, Product Password, and License Annotation fields. This will create the vendor and an accompanying license in a single step. To add additional licenses, go to the Add Concurrent-Use and Use-Once licenses menu.


Vendor NAME

Specifies the name of the vendor you want to add.

Vendor ID

Specifies the unique identifier of the new vendor you want to add. This identifier is used by the license server to distinguish between vendors.


Specifies the password of the new vendor you want to add. This password is a string encoded with information about a vendor.

Product NAME



LICENSE Annotation

Add New Licenses for a Previously Added Vendor

Use this screen to add new licenses for products. You must have already added the product's vendor in order to add concurrent-use and use-once licenses on this screen. Specify an existing server name and vendor name, then add the appropriate information to the Product Name, Product Version, Product Password, and the license annotation fields, if one exists for the concurrent-use and use-once license you are adding.


Specifies the license servers available in your cell. This is the machine where the licenses will be installed. The machine must have the same Target ID that was specified when the license was created.


Specifies the name of the vendor that owns the product you want to add a license for. The vendor must already exist for this server. If you want to add both a concurrent-use and use-once license and a vendor, use the Add New Licenses for a Previously Added Vendor menu.


Specifies the name of product you want to add.


Specifies the version of the product you want to add.


Specifies the password of the product you want to add. You will obtain this string from the software vendor.

LICENSE Annotation

Specifies the license annotation of the product you want to add. The license annotation is defined by the software vendor and affects the way an application can be used. A license may or may not have a license annotation.

Show License Usage on Servers

Show Concurrent-Use and Use-Once Licenses

Shows information on concurrent-use and use-once licenses for a given vendor. If you specify only the vendor, information on every version of each concurrent-use and use-once license under that vendor will be displayed. Specifying a vendor and product will show all versions of that product and that vendor. Choosing a vendor, product, and version will return information on existing licenses for that particular version of the vendor's product.


Specifies the license servers available in your cell.


Specifies the name of the vendor that owns the product for which you want license information.


Specifies the name of the product you want information about. The default is to show information about all concurrent-use and use-once licenses.


Specifies the version of the product you want information about. The default is to show information about all versions of a product.

Delete License

Delete concurrent-use and use-once licenses. The Server Name, Vendor Name, Product Name, and License Timestamp, fields must all be specified (they can be chosen through the list boxes). The license will be deleted from the server specified in the Server Name field. Applications that depend on this license may cease to work when their license is deleted.



Specifies the name of the vendor that owns the product you want to delete.


Specifies the name of the product that you want to delete. The product's license will be deleted, thus making it unavailable to this server.

LICENSE Timestamp

Specifies a number that describes that date and time at which a set of licenses was created.

Manage Vendor Information in License Database

This is the main menu for managing product vendors. Every license on your system must correspond to a vendor. You cannot add a new concurrent-use and use-once license without having previously added a vendor or without simultaneously adding a new vendor for that license.

The following choices are available from this menu:

Add Vendors

Use this screen to add a vendor to a license server. The vendor must be added before concurrent-use and use-once licenses can be put on the server for that vendor. To add a vendor, enter the vendor name, vendor ID, and vendor password for that vendor.

Show Vendors

Use this screen to show information on vendors. Depending on your input in the Vendor Name field, one or all vendors and their accompanying vendor IDs will be displayed on the server that you specify.


Vendor NAME

Specifies the name of the vendor you want information about. The default is to show information about all software vendors.

Delete Vendors

Use this screen to delete a vendor. You cannot delete a vendor if any concurrent-use and use-once licenses exist for it (you must delete them first). Specify a vendor name (choose one from the list). If you delete a vendor, you will have to recreate it before you can add concurrent-use and use-once licenses associated with it.

Vendor NAME

Specifies the name of the vendor you want to delete.

Perform Standalone Configuration for Adding/Using Licenses

Selecting this option will run the script:


This script will erase your current iFOR/LS network configuration and re-establish your machine as a standalone server in an alternate NCS cell. Only applications that are started on this machine will be able to obtain licenses from the server on this machine.

This option should be selected if the license server is not running on this machine, and needs to be started to install concurrent-use and use-once licenses.

This option should only be selected if there are no client machines currently using this machine as a license server.

Selecting this option is equivalent to specifying the new alternate cell configuration when running the netls_config and netls_first_time scripts in the /usr/lib/netls/conf directory.

Show Available License Servers

This screen shows the output from an attempt to test the license servers on your network.

Show License Server System Status

This is the menu for displaying information concerning license servers and the licenses they contain. The following choices are available:

Show License Usage Summary

This menu shows in use, total, and available licenses on the servers that you select. The Server, Vendor, Product, and Version fields should either be specified or left as all (the default). Specifying all in all four fields will show license usage for all versions of every product of every iFOR/LS enabled vendor on all iFOR/LS servers in your domain.


Specifies the name of the products available to a license server. The default is to show information about all products.


Specifies the version of the product you want license information about. The default is to show information about all versions of a product. If the PRODUCT Name field is all, you may not choose a specific version.

Show License Currently Being Used

Displays licenses currently in use on the servers that you select. Server, Vendor, Product, and Version should either be specified or left as all. Leaving all in all 4 boxes will show license usage for all versions of every enabled product for all iFOR/LS servers in your domain.

Show License Information By Server

This menu shows the number and type of installed licenses on the servers that you specify, along with start and expiration dates for each license. The Server, Vendor, Product, and Version fields should either be specified or left as all. Leaving all in all four fields will show installed license information for all versions of every enabled product for all iFOR/LS servers in your domain.

Show Licenses Held by a Specific User

This menu shows licenses currently held by a specific user on the servers that you select. Server, Vendor, and Product fields should either be specified or left as all. Leaving all in all three boxes will show license usage for all enabled products for all iFOR/LS servers in your domain for the specified user.


Specifies the login name of the user that you want license information about.

Show Target ID

Shows the target ID of the current machine. This information is needed when ordering licenses.

Use the options on this menu to display license agreements for all software installed on this system and for listing license agreements associated with software on installation media.