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VSM Help Information for Device Manager

Note: The information contained in this article is structured as help information for Visual Systems Management: Device Manager and is not intended for use as a procedural or conceptual article.

Dialog Field Help for Device Manager of the Visual Management System (VSM)

Template name

Specifies the name of the template to find. To locate a specific template, select the template name from the options provided. The system highlights the located template.

If a List box is available, click on List to see all options. If an option box is available, select a template label from the List. Use the up and down arrows, if available, to scroll through the options. Otherwise, click on the button next to your preference. Click on OK or Apply to apply your selection.

Search by

To use search criteria based on device categories such as printers and adapters, select the Group option. To use search criteria based on device type such as printer model, select the Type option. To use search criteria based on device name, select the name option. Selecting an option activates the corresponding selection field.

Click on OK or Apply when you complete your selections.

Device group

Specifies the kinds of devices to find. Devices with common characteristics are grouped into device categories. To locate devices that are alike or share the same classification, select the desired device groups from the options provided. The system highlights the devices it locates.

You cannot edit this field directly. To select device names, click on List. Click on OK or the Apply button to apply your selection.

Device type

Specifies the types of devices to find. To locate specific devices, select the device types from the options provided. The system highlights the devices it locates.

You cannot edit this field directly. To select device names, click on List. Click on OK or the Apply button to apply your selection.

Device name

Specifies the names of devices to find. To locate specific devices, select the device names from the options provided. The system highlights the devices it locates.

You cannot edit this field directly. To select device names, click on List. Click on OK or the Apply button to apply your selection.

Device name

To use search criteria based on device name, click on this option. Click on OK or Apply to apply your selections.

Device type

To select search criteria by device type such as printer model, click on this option. Click on OK or the Apply button to apply your selection.

Device group

To select search criteria by device categories such as printers and adapters, click on this option. Click on OK or the Apply button to apply your selection.

Sorted by

Specifies how templates will display in the Template Area. To group templates by model or similar kind of device, select Type. To display templates according to the description provided in the template label, select Description.To reset the default display mode, select Type or click on Reset. Click on OK or the Apply button to apply your selection.

Sort order

Changes the order in which templates are displayed. To sort in alphabetical order, select Ascending (default setting). To sort in reverse order, select Descending. Click on OK or the Apply button to apply your selection.

Sorted by

Specifies how devices will display in the Work Area. To group devices by device type, select Type. To sort devices by the label, select Name. To group devices by similar graphic object, select Icon. To reset the default display mode, select Name or click on Reset. Click on OK or the Apply button to apply your selection.

Sort order

Changes the order in which devices are displayed. To sort in alphabetical order, select Ascending (default setting). To sort in reverse order, select Descending. Click on OK or the Apply button to apply your selections.

Filter by

Specifies the kind of filter to use. To filter templates in or out by device type and to activate Filter method, select Type. To reset the template area to startup condition, use the No filter option or click on Reset.

Click on OK or Apply when you complete your selections.

Filter method

Specifies how the Type filter will display templates in the template area. To display templates based on device type, select Include. Any templates not selected are hidden from view. If you have few templates you want to hide or to not display, use the Exclude option.

Click on OK or Apply when you complete your selections.

Device type

Specifies the names of the templates to display or to hide depending on filter method. To display templates based on device type, select the type from the options provided. Notice that the types listed also correspond with a part of the template label.

You cannot edit this field directly. To select device types, click on List. Click on OK or Apply to apply your selections.

Filter by

Specifies the kind of filter to use. You can choose from several filters including System Default, No Filter, Group, Type, and Name. To reset the work area objects to the default setting, select System Default or click on Reset. To display all the objects including the hidden ones, select No Filter. To select objects by device categories, select Group. Otherwise, you can select specific devices by type or name with the Type and Name options.

You can scroll through the filter options by using the arrow buttons, if any. Click on OK or Apply when you complete your selections.

Filter method

Specifies how the filter controls the display of devices. To specify the devices to display according to the selected filter, select Include. To specify the devices not to display, select Exclude. When you use either one of the Group, Type, or Name filters, you can refine your specifications by selecting from the groups, device types, or device names provided.

Device group

Specifies the devices to display based on groups of devices. To filter devices in or out based on device method, select the device groups from the options provided.

You cannot edit this field directly. To select device classes, click on List. Click on OK or Apply to apply your selections.

Device type

Specifies the devices to display based device type. To filter devices in or out based on device type, select the device types from the options provided.

You cannot edit this field directly. To select device names, click on List. Click on OK or Apply to apply your selections.

Device name

Specifies the names of the devices to display. To filter devices in or out based on device name, select the device names from the options provided.

You cannot edit this field directly. To select device names, click on List. Click on OK or Apply to apply your selections.


Save the filter defined permanently

To save the criteria you have specified, select the Save option. The system will use the saved settings at the next start-up.

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