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6. Authors and recend versions

Archie was developed out of the prospero service, a service to give one a remote directory structure. With this directory service, the archie client looked for the queried filename. A graphical widget for X11 was developed with xarchie. I wanted to add some usefull features like session management, nice GUI and the use of KDE-kfm and got karchie. Please look at the README's for further information. I haven't written the email adresses for archie and xarchie here, because I don't wont to bother them with my bugs.

6.1 archie

Programmatic Prospero interface to Archie. The prospero distribution is written by Clifford Neuman and the archie client by Brendan Kehoe

6.2 xarchie

written by George Ferguson

6.3 karchie

Old archie, new interface: karchie from Jörg Habenicht

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