The K Desktop Environment

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7. Installation

7.1 How to obtain KMid

KMid is a core application of the KDE project KMid can be found on the KDEmultimedia package, which is at, the main ftp site of the KDE project. You can also download it from any of the many ftp mirrors whose list is at

Additionally, KMid can be found on its homepage, which is at In the homepage, you can follow its development, see some information about it, some screenshots, a list of sites from where you can download more karaoke songs, etc.

7.2 Requirements

KMid requires to work:

7.3 Compilation and installation

If you downloaded the KDEmultimedia package, or just the KMid package, to compile KMid you must run configure, then make and then, to install it, make install (most probably, as root).

I've included some examples that are installed in $dollar;KDEDIR/share/apps/kmid

If you run into any problem, don't hesitate to contact any of the KDE mailing list, or send a report directly to me.

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