The K Desktop Environment

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9. Final notes

9.1 Some tips and tricks

I will include some tips so that you can take fully advantage from all the features of KMid :

9.2 Hall of KMid's friends

These are some folks who have sent me midi files or a postcard, thanks to everyone ! Hearing those songs and watching those postcards will keep me programming more and more on kmid.

9.3 About the author

KMid has been made by Antonio Larrosa Jiménez, in Málaga (Spain) . I am a student of Mathematics at the University of Málaga, currently I'm doing the third course, so I don't have much free time for my hobbies, but I always try to get some :-) . My hobbies include : Programming, collecting midi files, playing music and proving theorems ;-) .

If you want to know where to download midi/karaoke files, you have any question, a bug to report, an idea or a feature you'd like to see in KMid or just want to make me happy, feel free to send me an email to : or

or write to me by snail-mail at :

 Antonio Larrosa Jimenez
 Rio Arnoya 10 5B
 Malaga (Spain)

You will really make me happy if you send me a postcard from where you live, or a midi/karaoke file from a local music group of your country . Everyone who sends me a postcard or a midi file will have his/her name in the Hall of KMid's friends of this file (provided they don't oppose to this) . Please contact me before sending me any midi files because I may have it already .

I'd like to stress that KMid has been done completely on free time, without any monetary support from any company nor particular. So plese keep in mind when you use it, that the only think that keep me working on this is getting some feedback from its users (a postcard, or just an email).

I would like to thanks the following persons their help in developing KMid:

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