The K Desktop Environment

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4. The Menu Entries

All popup menu operations are local to the KNotes on which you pressed the right mouse button and apply only to that particular KNotes note. This KNotes note will be referred to as "current KNotes" in the following. The only exception is the "Set Defaults" menu entry. "Set Defaults" will let you specify the global defaults which will apply to all KNotes notes.

4.1 Insert Date

Insert the current Date and Time into the current KNotes not.

4.2 Clear

Clears the current KNotes note.

4.3 New KNote

Creates a new KNotes

4.4 Quit

Quits the KNotes application. All notes, alarms, and options are saved.

4.5 Delete KNote

Deletes the current KNotes note permanently and cancels any associated alarm. If you just want to close a KNotes note, use the close button on the window bar.

4.6 Rename KNote

Rename the current KNotes note. You need to choose a unique new name.

4.7 Alarm ...

Brings up the Alarm Timer dialog corresponding to the current KNotes note. You can set or unset an alarm for the current KNotes.

4.8 Calendar

Exectutes the command cal on you system and inserts the output into the current KNotes. This should result in a calendar of the current month in your current note.

4.9 Mail Note

This will bring up a dialog which will allow you to mail the content of the current KNotes note. You can specify the command used by KNotes to mail the current note, on the Defaults Tab dialog under "Set Defaults".

4.10 Print Note

This will print the current note using the print command, which you can specify in the Defaults Tab dialog under "Set Defaults". The default is a2ps. I recommend you install a2ps if you don't have it on your system yet.

4.11 3D Frame

Toggles the current note between a note with a 3D frame and one with a plain frame. This options is local to the current note and will be saved on exit.

4.12 Auto Indent

Toggles between auto indent mode and no auto indent mode in the current KNotes note. In auto indent mode, the cursor will be place underneath the first non character on the first nonempty line above the current line. The mode will be saved on exit.

4.13 Font

Brings up the font dialog, which lets you choose the font of the current KNotes This option is local to the current note and will be saved on exit.

4.14 Colors

Allows you to change the text and background color of the current KNotes. This option is local to the current note and will be saved on exit.

4.15 Set Defaults

Allows you to set the defaults for all options. All newly created KNotes notes will will obsereve the defaults set here. All options should be self explanatory. KNotes uses "%s" place holders to supply the argument to the mail and print commands.

4.16 Key Bindings

KNotes honors the following key bindings.

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