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3. Configuration

Using the option menu one can control much of konsole's appearance. The configuration is both available using the menu bar or clicking on konsole's window with the right mouse button.

For more historical reasons, the backspace key shall not emit CTRL-H when running with Linux. (The only application that i know which really depends on this special behavior is "emacs", where CTRL-H means "Help"). Although every application is properly configurable, so one could have configured emacs to accept F1 as the help key, an uncommon use of the keyboard codes has been traditionalized. Don't worry about it, just make sure that the option

is checked.

In this case, konsole send a DEL character (hex 7F) when pressing the backspace key instead of the regular BS character (hex 08). The delete key is also sending something different from the DEL character in this case.

All the above options take effect immediately but only for the current invocation. To make the adjustments permanent, click the option:

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