KOrn Help

For KOrn version 0.3.

  1. What is KOrn?
  2. For whom is KOrn written?
  3. From where do I get KOrn?
  4. How do I set up KOrn?
  5. Known bugs and limitations
  6. Contact Info

  1. What is KOrn?

    KOrn is a KDE-compliant X11 program that monitors UNIX mailbox files for incoming and unread messsages. It periodically scans each mailbox and displays the number of unread messages it contains in a small on-screen button. Features include:

    For those who asked, it is named KOrn because 1. it begins with K, 2. there are too many KDE programs with serious-sounding functional names, 3. I attended a fabulous KoRn concert around the time 0.1 was written.

  2. For whom is KOrn written

    People who are subscribed to several internet mailing lists and/or filter received email messages into separate folders (with procmail, for example). No need to run 10 xbiffs or qbiffs... just run one KOrn .

  3. From where do I get KOrn?

    The latest version of KOrn is 0.3. It can be fetched from

    You will also require a computer running X11, UNIX and the KDE and Qt libraries. So far it has only been tested on Linux/x86 with XFree86.

  4. How do I set up KOrn?

    Compiling and Installation instructions are generic to the KDE.

    To configure KOrn to your taste once it is installed, simply run KOrn (or type "korn" at the UNIX command line). You will be lead through a (hopefully) simple installation procedure.

    Field Explanation
    Name A short unique reference name for the box. Do not put commas in this name.
    Caption The message to be displayed in the tooltip for the box.
    Path The pathname of the mailbox to monitor
    Poll time The interval, in seconds, between scans of this box. It is not wise to make this value much smaller than 20 seconds, since smaller intervals mean higher CPU usage.
    Notify Command The shell command to be executed when new mail is received in this box. This is useful for playing sounds, for example.
    Click Command The shell command to be executed when the button for the box is
    • double clicked
    • left-clicked when there is new mail

    Command-line --nomouse option: If KOrn is executed with the --nomouse option, it will ignore all mouse events. This is useful for running KOrn swallowed by KPanel or FVWM.

  5. Known bugs and limitations

  6. Contact Info

    Author, Maintainer: Sirtaj Singh Kang, taj@kde.org, http://www.ph.unimelb.edu.au/~ssk/.

Last updated: 12 June 1997