KSpell - KDE Spelling Checker

By David Sweet

Misspelled Word Dialog Help

Basic Functionality

The top line in the dialog displays a misspelled word which was found in your document. KSpell attempts to find an appropriate replacement word. One or several may be found. The best guess is shown to the right of Replacement:. To accept this replacement, click on Replace. You may also choose a word from the list of Suggestions then click Replace to replace the misspelled word with the chosen word.

To keep your original spelling, click on Ignore.

To stop the spell checking -- keeping the changes you've already made -- click on Stop.

To stop the spell checking and cancel the changes you've already made, click on Cancel.

Other Functions

Clicking on Replace All will initially perform the same function as clicking on Replace, but will automatically replace the misspelled word with the chosen replacement word if it appears again (at a later point) in your document.

The Ignore All button ignores this and all future occurrences of the misspelled word.

Clicking on Add will add the misspelled word to your personal dictionary (this is distinct from the original system dictionary, so the additions you make will not be seen by other users).

KSpell introduction.