The K Desktop Environment

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4. Appendix

4.1 Questions and Answers

Q1: "I played around with the default runlevel and now my machine reboots all the time"

Enter linux single at the LILO prompt

LILO: linux single
and press <ENTER> to boot up in single user mode. Then edit the file /etc/inittab and change the default runlevel to something sane (3 should usually be OK).

Q2: "My machine "halts" just after booting"

See question Q1 above.

Q3: "I scheduled some services to be run in runlevel X using KSysV, but they aren´t"

If you´re using SuSE or Delix (DLD) distributions: you also have to edit a distribution-specific file in /etc. Please have a look at the manual of your distribution for details.

Note:The approach to starting services used by the above-mentioned distributions makes configuration of services easy for the proprietary config-tools of these distributions, but unfortunately is non-standard. I´m planning to write a generic extension for this approach some time in the future, but as I´m currently rather short on time, don´t hold your breath for this.

If you are using a different distribution: Please check whether you´ve got all config files needed by the service (and whether they are in the right directory, too). Some daemons (for example Apache, aka httpd) just die silently if their configuration files are not present or misconfigured.

4.2 Standard Semantics of Runlevels

These vary by distribution, so I´ll just list them all (note that this list is by no means comprehensive, so please send me a mail, if you know what the different runlevels do for a distribution not included in this list.

Red Hat

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