newkey Command


Creates a new key in the /etc/publickey file.


/usr/sbin/newkey-h HostName ] [  -u UserName ]


The newkey command creates a new key in the /etc/publickey file. This command is normally run by the network administrator on the Network Information Services (NIS) master machine to establish public keys for users and root users on the network. These keys are needed for using secure Remote Procedure Call (RPC) protocol or secure Network File System (NFS).

The newkey command prompts for the login password of the user specified by the UserName parameter. Then, the command creates a new key pair in the /etc/publickey file and updates the publickey database. The key pair consists of the user's public key and secret key and is encrypted with the login password of the given user.

Use of this program is not required. Users may create their own keys using the chkey command.

You can use the Network application in Web-based System Manager (wsm) to change network characteristics. You could also use the System Management Interface Tool (SMIT) smit newkey fast path to run this command.


Item Description
-h HostName Creates a new public key for the root user at the machine specified by the HostName parameter. Prompts for the root password of this parameter.
-u UserName Creates a new public key for a user specified by the UserName parameter. Prompts for the NIS password of this parameter.


  1. To create a new public key for a user, enter:
    newkey -u john
    In this example, the newkey command creates a new public key for the user named john.
  2. To create a new public key for the root user on host zeus, enter:
    newkey -h zeus
    In this example, the newkey command creates a new public key for the root user on the host named zeus.


Item Description
/etc/publickey Stores encrypted keys for users.