srcobj.h File


Defines object structures used by the System Resource Controller (SRC) subsystem.


The /usr/include/sys/srcobj.h header file contains the structures defining SRC objects. The SRCsubsys structure contains the following fields:

Item Description
subsysname String that contains the subsystem name. This string can contain 30 bytes, including the null terminator.
synonym String that contains the subsystem synonym. This string can contain 30 bytes, including the null terminator.
cmdargs String that contains the subsystem command arguments. This string can contain 200 bytes, including the null terminator.
path String that contains the path to the executable files. This string can contain 200 bytes, including the null terminator.
uid User ID for the subsystem.
auditid Audit ID for the subsystem. This value is supplied by the system and cannot be changed by an SRC subroutine.
standin String that contains the path for standard input. This string can contain 200 bytes, including the null terminator.
standout String that contains the path for standard output. This string can contain 200 bytes, including the null terminator.
standerr String that contains the path for standard error. This string can contain 200 bytes, including the null terminator.
action Respawn action. The value of this field can be either ONCE or RESPAWN.
multi Multiple instance support. The value of this field can be either SRCYES or SRCNO.
contact Contact type. The value of this field indicates either a signal (SRCSIGNAL), a message queue (SRCIPC), or a socket (SRCSOCKET).
srvkey IPC message queue key.
svrmtype IPC message type (mtype) for the subsystem.
priority Nice value, a number from 1 to 40.
signorm Stop normal signal.
sigforce Stop force signal.
display Display inactive subsystem on all or group status. The value of this field can be either SRCYES or SRCNO.
waittime Stop cancel time to wait before sending a SIGKILL signal to the subsystem restart time period. (A subsystem can be restarted only twice in this time period if it does not terminate normally.
grpname String that contains the group name of the subsystem. This string can contain 30 bytes, including the null terminator.

The SRCsubsvr structure contains the following fields:

Item Description
sub_type String that contains the type of the subsystem. This string can contain 30 bytes, including the null terminator.
subsysname String that contains the subsystem name. This string can contain 30 bytes, including the null terminator.
sub_code Subsystem code. This is a decimal number.

The SRCnotify structure contains the following fields:

Item Description
notifyname String that contains the name of the subsystem or group to which the notify method applies. This string can contain 30 bytes, including the null terminator.
notifymethod String that is executed when the SRC detects abnormal termination of the subsystem or group. This string can contain 256 bytes, including the null terminator.

The possible values indicated for the fields are predefined.