The K Desktop Environment

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1. Introduction

Disk Navigator is a simple utility to navigate through the filesystem starting from the KPanel menu. It is activated when the "Disk Navigator" entry from the KPanel menu is selected. In this case, a menu with the following entries is shown:

  • Shared: this section lists entries shared among all users. Typical shared entries include: / (root dir), CD-ROM, mounted filesystems, removable disks, etc. Shared entries can be changed selecting the "Options" menu entry. Note: only the superuser can change shared entries.
  • Personal: this section lists user-specific filesystem entries. Typical entries in this section are user's home dir, user's desktop, frequently accessed directories. Personal entries can be changed selecting the "Options" menu entry.
  • Recent: this section lists recently accessed documents, applications and folders. When a document or application is accessed, it goes in the "Recent" section along with its parent folder. The number of folders and files that are kept in this section can be set selecting the "Options" menu entry.
  • Options: shows a configuration dialog that can be used to specify some settings. For a description of available settings, see the "Options" Section.
  • The Disk Navigator menu is easily customizable to fit user needs, as explained in the section "Adding, Changing and Removing Filesystem Entries".

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