The K Desktop Environment

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4. Adding, Changing and Removing Filesystem Entries

The Disk Navigator menu can be easily customized to contain frequently accessed filesystem entries. After installation, the Disk Navigator menu contains some example entries (root, user's home, user's desktop, etc.). It is possible to remove those entries, change their icons, add new entries, and so on.

To edit Disk Navigator menu entries, select "Options..." from the Disk Navigator menu. Alternatively, select Panel -> Configure from the KPanel menu and then select the "Disk Navigator" tab.

At this point click on "Edit Personal..." or "Edit Shared..." buttons to edit, respectively, user specific entries and common entries (shared among all users). Note that you must be logged as root to change shared entries.

After that, a KFM window is displayed, showing the entries for the Disk Navigator section that you are editing (Shared/Personal). If, for instance, you want to add a new entry pointing to /opt/kde you can do the following:

  • Select: File -> New -> URL. A new icon named "URL" should appear in the KFM window.
  • Click with the right mouse button on the new icon and choose "Properties".
  • Change the file name to "KDE.kdelnk". "KDE" will be the name of the entry in the Disk Navigator menu (the .kdelnk suffix is ignored).
  • Select the "URL" tab and write /opt/kde in the URL input box.
  • Optionally, you can change the icon. This is the icon that will be displayed in the Disk Navigator menu.
  • Close the KFM window and "OK" on the Disk Navigator configuration window. This should restart KPanel. After that, you will see the new entry in the Disk Navigator menu.
  • In place of an URL file you might use symbolic links. However, using symbolic links has some drawbacks and are not recommended. Please read Section "Feature & Tips".

    To remove an entry from the Disk Navigator menu simply remove the corresponding URL from the KFM window used to edit entries.

    Note that you can also create folders in this window to group common entries. For instance, you could create a folder "Network" containing entry points to distributed filesystem mount points (NFS, SAMBA, etc).

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