The K Desktop Environment

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5. Notes

  • Disk Navigator menus are updated automatically when directory contents change, except the first menu, that is updated through the Options dialog.
  • The contents of the "Recent" section are saved in the  /.kde/share/config/kpanelrc configuration file. If you want to clear this section, you can clear the RecentFolders and RecentFiles entries in this file after logging out from KDE.
  • Documents and applications not accessed through the KPanel are not added to the "Recent" section. This limitation will disappear in future versions of Disk Navigator.
  • Due to efficiency reasons, most files are not displayed with the same icon you would see in a file manager window. With the current version, only .kdelnk files have the corresponding icon displayed. Other files are displayed with two different icons to distinguish between data files and executables.
  • Copying ~/.kde and $KDEDIR: if you are using symbolic links to define filesystem entry points in the Shared/Personal sections, you must be careful when copying the KDE directory, since the cp command with the -r option follows symbolic links. Under Linux you can use the -d option to avoid this problem. However, you are recommended to change all symbolic links to corresponding KDE URL files. Symbolic links are stored under $KDEDIR/share/disknav (Shared) and ~/.kde/share/disknav (Personal).
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