The K Desktop Environment

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4. Legal stuff

Kdm is derived from xdm, so how is the copyright? Kdm 0.1 was done by Matthias Ettrich. All later version by Steffen Hansen

Kdm is free software. I'm not sure exactly how it's license is, because it has a lot of code from xdm in it. Anyway, i have to state:

Kdm requires the Qt library, which is copyright Troll Tech AS. Freely distributable programs may generally use Qt for free, see the file README.QT for details. Anyone is allowed to change kdm and redistribute the result as long as my name is mentioned.

And by the way: Kdm is provided as is with no warranty of any kind, including the warranty of design, merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose.

The documentation extended by Gregor Zumstein Last update is July, 9 1998

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