The K Desktop Environment

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3. Onscreen Fundamentals

In this section will be briefly described Kfind user interface.

The Kfind window separated in four areas: toolbar, search parameters dialog, viewing area and statusbar. The viewing area and statusbar are visible only after receiving search results.

3.1 Toolbar

Start Search

Starts new search using parameters specified in parameters dialog.

New Search

Clears results and hides viewing area.

Stop Search

Stops runing search process.


Asks Kfm to start default binding for selected file.

Add to Archive

Adds selected file to chosen archive.


Deletes selected files and asks Kfm to refresh directory.


Shows properties of selected file.

Open Containing Folder

Asks Kfm to open folder containing selected file.

Save Search Results

Saves results to file specified in Options->Preferences dialog.


Shows KFind documentation.


Exits KFind.

3.2 Search Parameters Dialog

This dialog is the main part of KFind. It's used for specifying parameter for find utility. There are three find parameters groups:

Name and location

This dialog is used to specify filename user is looking for. Filename is entered into combobox and can contain following wildcards:

? matches any character

* matches any sequence of characters

[[]] matches a defines set of characters, e.g. [a-zA-Z0-9\.] matches upper and lower case ASCII letters, digits, and dot.

The combo box stores names history. The Look in combo box and Browse button are used to specify directory where the search will be performed. Whether the find should look into subdirectories is specified by Include subfolders check button.
Date Modified

This dialog allows searching for files created within a specified time period.


This page allows file searches for specific types of files e.g Postscript-documents, JPEG image files or WAV sound files. The search can also be restricted to files above or below a certain size.

3.3 Viewing Area

The viewing area contains results of find process. After clicking on item the functions open, add to archive,delete, properties and open containing folder will be enabled. Double clicking causes executing default binding.

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