The K Desktop Environment

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2. Philosophy

2.1 Desktop

The desktop metaphor< is very important for KFM. Many filemanagers in the UNIX world work only in their windows. But KFM gives you a Desktop like OS/2, Apple and ( I hate to say it ) Win NT/95. Files on the desktop work like the ones in the windows. Since KFM supports drag and drop it is a good idea to use the Desktop for storing some temporary things. On the other hand it is always nice to have some important icons always handy on the Desktop. Well, just do what you want

2.2 Templates

Templates have been introduced by OS/2. KFM has some - not really that powerful but never the less nice - feature to support them. All files in the Templates directory are supposed to be templates ( I think you would not have guessed that! ). Move for example an template for a Lyx letter in here, or a default Makefile or whatever. Even complete directory structures may act as templates. If for example a project you start always has the same directory structure, you can create such a structure in the templates directory. Then you change to the directory where you want to have a new document/project/what-ever. Open the Menu File and there the submenu New and you will get a list of all installed templates. Just select one to create it. This way you can create directories, too. The idea is simple but useful.

2.3 *.kdelnk files

These files are important for KFM and kpanel and the whole KDE project. Such a file can do very much for you. For example it can hold an URL or a device or may stand for a program. Using such a file you can mount/unmount devices, make links to URLs on your desktop or just create a nice icon represantation for an executable. Read the section 'Usage' to learn more about these files and what they can do for you. You dont need to know how the files are structured, because KFM has nice dialogs for you, so you can click some *.kdelnk files in existence very easy. If you drag for example a URL pointing to on your desktop, KFM will create such a file for you. Clicking on it will open a FTP connection for you.

2.4 Internet

The Internet is very important for KFM, too, because it could be called an internet desktop. It uses FTP and HTTP. This means that KFM makes no big differences between files on some FTP server or on your local hard disk. Since KFM uses HTML to show its output it has no problem with HTML pages. This means that you can follow HTML links like you would do with your browser. Indeed KFM acts like a Web-Browser many times. It is indeed a Web-Browser with integrated file management. The HTML widget is not perfect yet, so some HTML pages are ugly, but it is getting better all the time. As a result of the above KFM uses URLs instead of usual file names ( of course you can use your old fashioned file names, too ). KFM supports an extension to usual URLs. It features subprotocols. Ususally the user does not have to deal with them, he may still click around with the mouse. For example is a valid URL. It defines a tar file on an ftp server and references some file in the tar archive. Clicking on some tar archive will do the job for you.

2.5 Multi Tasking

KFM is highly multi tasking. It has some slave processes running that do the IO stuff. This means that no IO can block your desktop. This is especially important for the Internet. You know that even Netscape can lock up for some seconds. KFM does not have this problem any more. It just locks up if you found a bug.

2.6 Look

KFM gives you control over the look of your directories. If it finds a .kde.html or index.html file in your directory it displays it ( can be turned off ). There are some HTML extensions that allow you to separate for example directories and documents on such a HTML page. You need not write a link for every file in the HTML page. The HTML extension helps you very much here. Instead of writing a complete HTML page you can select a background color/image for some directories and change the color of the font. You may give executables and directories special icons. Those icon settings are recognized by kpanel, too. For more details see as usual the section 'Usage' in the handbook.

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