The K Desktop Environment

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4. Primary menu items

4.1 File


Creates a new PostScript viewer window.

Open ...

Lets you select a file to open.


Closes the current PostScript viewer window.

Print ...

Lets you print the document previewed in this PostScript viewer window.

Entries 1. - 4.

The last four opened documents are stored in these menu entries. Simply select one of these to reopen that document.


Exits PostScript viewer, closing all the windows.

4.2 View

Zoom in

Increases the magnification of the view of your document.

Zoom out

Decreases the magnification of the view of your document.

View control ...

Lets you set the magnification, orientation and page size for the view of your document.

Shrink wrap

Resizes the PostScript viewer window to neatly fit the width of the document. If the document is too wide to fit on the screen then the PostScript viewer window is stretched to the maximum possible width.


Renders the current page of your document again.

Info ...

Displays some basic information about your document.

4.3 Go

Next page

Moves one page forward in the document.

Previous page

Moves one page back in the document.

Go to page ...

Lets you choose which page to display.

Go to start

Goes to the start of the document.

Go to end

Goes to the end of the document.

Read down

Scrolls up the current page for convenient reading of the document in chunks.

4.4 Options

Configure interpreter ...

Lets you choose a few options about how the Ghostscript driver should work.

Show tool bar

Toggle the toolbar on and off.

Show status bar

Toggle the statusbar on and off.

Show page list

Toggle the page list on and off.

Configure key bindings ...

Lets you choose your own key bindings for the actions that PostScript viewer can perform.

Save Options

Writes your set of preferences including the size of the PostScript viewer window and the location of the toolbar to a configuration file.

4.5 Help

About PostScript viewer

Simply tells you the program name, version number and address of the author

Help for PostScript viewer

Starts the KDE online help and loads in this handbook.


Displays copyright information for PostScript viewer.

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