The K Desktop Environment

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4. Advanced features

4.1 Mixer layout and stored Profiles

This is one of the advanced features of kmix. If you have a standard layout you like, you can save this layout. A layout stores for each channel four configuration options.

If you want to save the current layout, just press Control-1 to save the layout as profile 1. Likewise you can save profile 2, 3 and 4 by pressing Control-2, Control-3 or Control-4.

You can restore a profile by pressing 1, 2, 3 and 4 respectively. If you want to start kmix with a certain layout directly set up, you must pass a command line argument.

4.2 Command line arguments

You can pass some parameters to kmix, to have influence on kmix's initial settings.

4.3 Multiple Soundcards

KMix is prepared for multiple sound cards. If called via the KDE Panel, the default mixer is used. For the Open Sound System, this is /dev/mixer. For other operating systems or sound drivers, this may vary.

If you want KMix to use a specific soundcard (primary, secondary, ...), you must tell this KMix on startup. You can start the mixer with a device number, using the -devnum n parameter. -devnum 0 means the default device, 1 your primary mixer, 2 your secondary mixer and so on. If you use this regulary, you should create a new program kdelnk (using kfm or the menu editor). This should just call kmix with the appropriate device number as parameter, for example "kmix -devnum 2".

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