The K Desktop Environment

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3. KOrganizer Docking Icon (Alarm Daemon)

The "alarm daemon" is a small, separate program from the main KOrganizer binary which handles all display of alarms, both visible and audible. It manifests itself as a small calendar icon with a bell superimposed on top of it in the task tray area of the KDE panel.

When you run KOrganizer, it checks whether or not the alarm daemon is already running, and if it isn't, it will start it automatically. The alarm daemon continues to run even after you exit KOrganizer, which lets you receive alarm notification without keeping the full KOrganizer program resident in memory at all times. The alarm daemon is much more light weight in it's memory requirements.

The alarm daemon has several possible functions. The main function is to start the KOrganizer program. A single click with the left mouse button on the icon will launch KOrganizer. Currently, the alarm daemon will start a new copy of KOrganizer each time you click it; therefore you should take care only to click it once. This will be fixed in the next release.

The secondary alarm daemon functions are activated through a right click on the icon, which will bring up a popup menu. Currently, the only choices are to enable or disable alarms, and to quit. These options are hopefully self-explanatory.

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