The Upload tab lets you tell the IDE whether to transfer an executable from the host machine to the target. You use this tab
if libraries have to be uploaded every time an application runs.
The Upload tab in the Launch Configurations dialog.
You also have the option of not downloading any shared libraries to your target.
Upload executable to target
- Send the executable to the target every time you run or debug.
Use executable on target
- Make the IDE use the existing version of the executable on the target. If you select this option, you'll need to specify a
Remote directory for the executable.
Remote directory
- Show the remote directory of /tmp on your target. You can also click Browse… to locate a directory. Since the IDE doesn't know the location of your shared library paths, you must specify the directory
containing any libraries.
Strip debug information before uploading
- Remove the debug information from the executable being uploaded to the target.
Use unique name
- Append a number to make your executable's filename unique during each download session.
Upload shared libraries to the target
- Transfer a shared library from the host machine to the target.
- Select the shared libraries your program needs from the list.
Local path
- Shows the local path to the library.
Remote directory
- Shows the remote directory of the library on your target.
- Remove debug information before downloading. By default, the Strip debug information before uploading option is selected. Deselect this option if you don't want the IDE to strip the executable you're uploading to your target.
- Attempts to automatically find the required libraries.
- Open a dialog to look in your workspace for libraries.
- Add a new shared library path to the list.
- Remove the selected shared library path from the list.
Remove uploaded components after session
- Remove files that the IDE downloaded after each session. If you don't want the IDE to clean up after itself, then deselect
this option.