Boron 0.1.0

Datatype String
[Urlan Datatype System]

Strings are stored using the single word per character Latin-1 and UCS-2 encodings (UR_ENC_LATIN1/UR_ENC_UCS2). More...


#define ur_cstr(strC, bin)   ur_cstring(ur_bufferSer(strC), bin, strC->, strC->series.end)
 Make null terminated UTF-8 string in binary buffer.
#define ur_strFree   ur_arrFree
 A string is a simple array.


UIndex ur_makeString (UThread *ut, int enc, int size)
 Generate and initialize a single string buffer.
UBufferur_makeStringCell (UThread *ut, int enc, int size, UCell *cell)
 Generate a single string and set cell to reference it.
UIndex ur_makeStringUtf8 (UThread *ut, const uint8_t *it, const uint8_t *end)
 Generate and initialize a single string buffer from memory holding a UTF-8 string.
void ur_strInit (UBuffer *buf, int enc, int size)
 Initialize buffer to type UT_STRING.
void ur_strAppendChar (UBuffer *str, int uc)
 Append a single UCS2 character to a string.
void ur_strAppendCStr (UBuffer *str, const char *cstr)
 Append a null-terminated ASCII string to a string buffer.
void ur_strAppendInt (UBuffer *str, int32_t n)
 Append an integer to a string.
void ur_strAppendInt64 (UBuffer *str, int64_t n)
 Append an 64-bit integer to a string.
void ur_strAppendHex (UBuffer *str, uint32_t n, uint32_t hi)
 Append a hexidecimal integer to a string.
void ur_strAppendDouble (UBuffer *str, double n)
 Append a double to a string.
void ur_strAppendIndent (UBuffer *str, int depth)
 Append tabs to a string.
void ur_strAppend (UBuffer *str, const UBuffer *strB, UIndex itB, UIndex endB)
 Append another string buffer to this string.
void ur_strTermNull (UBuffer *str)
 Terminate with null character so buffer can be used as a C string.
int ur_strIsAscii (const UBuffer *str)
 Test if all characters are ASCII.
void ur_strFlatten (UBuffer *str)
 Convert a UTF-8 or UCS-2 string buffer to Latin-1 if possible.
void ur_strLowercase (UBuffer *buf, UIndex start, UIndex send)
 Convert characters of string slice to lowercase.
void ur_strUppercase (UBuffer *buf, UIndex start, UIndex send)
 Convert characters of string slice to uppercase.
int ur_charLowercase (int c)
 Convert UCS2 character to lowercase.
int ur_charUppercase (int c)
 Convert UCS2 character to uppercase.
UIndex ur_strFindChar (const UBuffer *str, UIndex start, UIndex end, int ch)
 Find the first instance of a character in a string.
UIndex ur_strFindChars (const UBuffer *str, UIndex start, UIndex end, uint8_t *charSet, int len)
 Find the first character of a set in a string.
UIndex ur_strFind (const USeriesIter *ai, const USeriesIter *bi, int matchCase)
 Find string in another string.
UIndex ur_strMatch (const USeriesIter *ai, const USeriesIter *bi, int matchCase)
 Compare characters in two strings.
int ur_strChar (const UBuffer *str, UIndex pos)
 Return the character at a given position.
char * ur_cstring (const UBuffer *str, UBuffer *bin, UIndex start, UIndex end)
 Make null terminated UTF-8 string in binary buffer.

Detailed Description

Strings are stored using the single word per character Latin-1 and UCS-2 encodings (UR_ENC_LATIN1/UR_ENC_UCS2).

UTF-8 (UR_ENC_UTF8) is only handled by ur_strAppend() and ur_makeStringUtf8() in order to bring UTF-8 strings into or out of the datatype system.

Define Documentation

#define ur_cstr ( strC,
bin   )     ur_cstring(ur_bufferSer(strC), bin, strC->, strC->series.end)

Make null terminated UTF-8 string in binary buffer.

This calls ur_cstring().

strC Valid UT_STRING or UT_FILE cell.
bin Initialized binary buffer to use.

Function Documentation

char* ur_cstring ( const UBuffer str,
UBuffer bin,
UIndex  start,
UIndex  end 

Make null terminated UTF-8 string in binary buffer.

str Valid string buffer.
bin Initialized binary buffer. The contents are replaced with the C string.
start Start position in str.
end End position in str. A negative number is the same as str->used.
Pointer to C string in bin.

UIndex ur_makeString ( UThread ut,
int  enc,
int  size 

Generate and initialize a single string buffer.

If you need multiple buffers then ur_genBuffers() should be used.

The caller must create a UCell for this string in a held block before the next ur_recycle() or else it will be garbage collected.

enc Encoding type.
size Number of characters to reserve.
Buffer id of string.

UBuffer* ur_makeStringCell ( UThread ut,
int  enc,
int  size,
UCell cell 

Generate a single string and set cell to reference it.

If you need multiple buffers then ur_genBuffers() should be used.

enc Encoding type.
size Number of characters to reserve.
cell Cell to initialize.
Pointer to string buffer.

UIndex ur_makeStringUtf8 ( UThread ut,
const uint8_t *  it,
const uint8_t *  end 

Generate and initialize a single string buffer from memory holding a UTF-8 string.

This calls ur_makeString() internally.

it Start of UTF-8 data.
end End of UTF-8 data.
Buffer id of string.

void ur_strAppend ( UBuffer str,
const UBuffer strB,
UIndex  itB,
UIndex  endB 

Append another string buffer to this string.

str Destination string.
strB String to append.
itB Start character of strB.
endB End character of strB.

void ur_strAppendIndent ( UBuffer str,
int  depth 

Append tabs to a string.

depth Number of tabs to append.

int ur_strChar ( const UBuffer str,
UIndex  pos 

Return the character at a given position.

If the str->form is UR_ENC_UTF8, then the return value will be the byte at pos, not the UCS2 character.

str Valid string buffer.
pos Character index. Pass negative numbers to index from the end (e.g. -1 will return the last character).
UCS2 value or -1 if pos is out of range.

UIndex ur_strFind ( const USeriesIter *  ai,
const USeriesIter *  bi,
int  matchCase 

Find string in another string.

ai String to search.
bi Pattern to look for.
matchCase If non-zero, compare character cases.
Index of pattern in string or -1 if not found.

UIndex ur_strFindChar ( const UBuffer str,
UIndex  start,
UIndex  end,
int  ch 

Find the first instance of a character in a string.

str Valid string buffer.
start Start index in str.
end Ending index in str.
ch Bitset of characters to look for.
First index where character is found or -1 if not found.

UIndex ur_strFindChars ( const UBuffer str,
UIndex  start,
UIndex  end,
uint8_t *  charSet,
int  len 

Find the first character of a set in a string.

str Valid string buffer.
start Start index in str.
end Ending index in str.
charSet Bitset of characters to look for.
len Byte length of charSet.
First index where any characters in charSet are found or -1 if none are found.

void ur_strFlatten ( UBuffer str  ) 

Convert a UTF-8 or UCS-2 string buffer to Latin-1 if possible.

str Valid string buffer.

void ur_strInit ( UBuffer buf,
int  enc,
int  size 

Initialize buffer to type UT_STRING.

enc Encoding type.
size Number of characters to reserve.

int ur_strIsAscii ( const UBuffer str  ) 

Test if all characters are ASCII.

str Valid string buffer.
Non-zero if all characters are ASCII.

void ur_strLowercase ( UBuffer buf,
UIndex  start,
UIndex  send 

Convert characters of string slice to lowercase.

buf Pointer to valid string buffer.
start Start position.
send Slice end position.

UIndex ur_strMatch ( const USeriesIter *  ai,
const USeriesIter *  bi,
int  matchCase 

Compare characters in two strings.

ai String slice A.
bi String slice B.
matchCase If non-zero, compare character cases.
Number of characters which match in strings.

void ur_strTermNull ( UBuffer str  ) 

Terminate with null character so buffer can be used as a C string.

Str->used is not changed.


void ur_strUppercase ( UBuffer buf,
UIndex  start,
UIndex  send 

Convert characters of string slice to uppercase.

buf Pointer to valid string buffer.
start Start position.
send Slice end position.

Generated on 27 Jan 2012 by Doxygen 1.5.1