The K Desktop Environment

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5. KFM Web Browser Configuration: HTTP

This screen allows you to configure certain browser options.

Some Web sites are able to send versions of a given HTML document in different languages. You can specify your list of preferred languages in the ``Accept Languages'' box. The list is in decreasing order of preference, i.e., the first language listed is the most preferred. You can use the asterisk (``*'') to specify 'any' language.

A language should be specified with its 2-digit abbreviation. Examples are:

The box ``Accept character sets:'' allows you to list the character sets which are accepted by the browser. You can use the asterisk (``*'') to specify 'any' charset.

Not all Web Servers send correct information about the contents of documents. If the ``Assume HTML'' option is activated, all data received via HTTP is assumed to be HTML unless the remote Web Server defined it otherwise.

If opening a Web Page from a remote Web Site results in a ``Open with:'' dialog box, you might want to try this option.

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